Prisons and Police

Oakland On Fire


Three accounts of the riots after Oscar Grant was murdered by a BART police officer.

Fire To the Prisons #9


Download at: (7.21 mb)

Fire to the Prisons-Issue #9-Summer 2010

For this issue, we will be giving copies out for free to anyone who requests them that is not a formal business.

All we ask is for you to pay the price of postage. Please let us know if you would like to order hard copies of the newest issue, or any other questions regarding distribution by contacting us at:

firetotheprisons (at) gmail (dot) com

Feel free to download past issues in PDF form on our website as well:  read more »

How Nonviolence Protects The State - Peter Gelderloos

How Nonviolence Protects The State-1.jpg

Peter Gelderloos' immensely accessible and useful book, now available as a professional-quality, printable booklet.

Touch Me and I'll Fucking Kill You.


we inspired by some real crazy bitchez.

Not Yr Cister Press

No More Prisons & Police

No more prisons & police, 325 poster.jpg

No more prisons & police against surveillance society, 325 poster.

Against the Prison Society Sticker

Against the prison society, sticker.jpg

Sticker version of the 325 collective poster "Against Control Technologies, Against the Prison Society". Print these out & cover them with an overlapping layer of packing tape before you cut them out. They'll stay up through rain storms!

Anti-Prison Demo during G20 Convergence in Toronto, June 27 2010 (Flyer)


On Sunday, June 27 2010 there will be a Demonstration Against Prison in Toronto. Anarchists are organizing the demonstration as a part of the larger mobilization in opposition to the G20 meetings.

This is a statement of our perspective and intention for the demo, more details to come soon.

We want to expand our solidarity in struggle against prison. We want people to join us and directly confront the systems of social control. We want to be everything prison isn’t: uncontrollable, joyful, creative…

The location for this demo T.B.A.  read more »

Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing, The


The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing
by Kristian Williams

Alternatives to Police


From: Rose City Copwatch at

This is the final version.

Liberate Anarchist Prisoners


from 325 distro

They Are All Christopher Humphreys (PDX anti-cop flyer)

they are all CH.jpg

This is a little flyer put together by some Portland anarchists who are tired of the sentiment that the Portland Police department is afflicted with some "bad apples". Pretty insular and PDX-specific, but makes clear that all cops are bad cops.

Midwest Books to Prisoners Zine #1 March 2010


Midwest Books to Prisoners Zine #1 March 2010

Table of Contents:
1 - Police Rogues Gallery
2 - Obama directs Illinois to host Guantanamo Bay detainees
3 - Free after Decades: Tortured and Innocent Prisoners
4 - Civil and Human Rights Violations at Cook County Jail
5 - Governor Quinn Kills Early Release Program
6 - Chicago Copwatch: People’s Blotter
7 - Women Prisoner Struggles
8 - Draft Proposal for an Anarchist Black Cross Network
9 - “Conviction Through Corruption” - the story of Willie Boyd
10 - Writing through Prisoners in Illinois  read more »

As Day Follows Night

As Day Follows Night-imposed-1.jpg

As Day Follows Night: An Introduction to Prisoner Support

“Any political movement or peoples struggle, which
fails to provide support to fallen comrades, is
doomed to failure as certain as day follows night.”
-Harold H. Thompson
“Any political movement that does not support its
political internees is a sham movement!”
-Ojore Lutalo
“A movement that is not capable of looking after its
comrades in prison is destined to die, and that at a
high price under atrocious torture.”
- Daniela Carmignani
“The point is simple: no serious political struggle  read more »

Miami Model, The


a guide to the events surrounding the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial in Miami, November 20-21, 2003

.A Collaborative Work.

Download at: (11 mb)

Superprisons in Canada

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This pamphlet was written in Kingston Ontario, the city with the largest concentration of prisons in Canada, and our hometown. We wrote it to bring people up to speed with what we see as a dangerous agenda at work within the federal government with respect to the Canadian prison system. At this very moment, the federal Conservative Party, their various corporate partners, and their provincial proxy-parties are pushing hard for a major expansion of the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC).  read more »

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