Expelled : No Intelligence Allowed (2008)
Filed under: — Darren Seeley on December 13th, 2008 07:12:26 pm

Expelled While I myself believe in the theory of intellegent design, and also find Darwinian’s evolution theory flawed, it would be easy for me to say, ‘Go get those humanists Ben Stein! Attack!” It also would be easy for others to say that Expelled appeals to those who already believe in, or favor the concepts of intelligent design/creationism, and thus, appeals to me. Fair enough. But show me a non-historical documentary that doesn’t give a point of view that focuses on one side or another. It’s next to impossible. The goal set should be to convince ‘the other side’ or to raise questions and debate regarding both sides of an issue. I can say Expelled is a good documentary because it does do what it sets out to do. Sadly, it also strays off it’s own subject.

No Intelligence Allowed (2008)I’ll give the film this credit: it does lightly touch on some of Darwinian evolution’s problems, such as the implications of what On the Origin of Species (by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) has been used to influence Marxism, racism and Fascism. Unlike the Holy Bible, The Origin Of Species has not been twisted out of context to appeal to a terrorist group or other extremists, but taken at face value. The Origin Of Species says it plainly that certain races of people(s) are higher than others and even next to an ape in the order of nature (Darwin, 1871, pp.242). While the concept of eugenics was around some time before Darwin, the main charge is that Darwin’s writings gives scientific credence to such ideas. Darwin’s Descent of Man also aided in the idea of eugenics as well. This section of the film, while only skimming the surface in nine to ten minutes, was heavily criticized by many film reviews, despite the fact that the argument linking Social Darwinism breeding the seeds of Nazism, and perhaps even Communism, has been debated and discussed before. In addition, the charge of Darwinian evolution being a grim science of doom (natural selection) has been raised before- and it isn’t a hopeful idea to dwell on. If it were so, that means one day the human race will die out and the bugs take over, if not the plants. But it should be said that, overall, the evils of history has little to do with natural selection- because it isn’t nature doing the selecting, but the act of evil men.

No Intelligence Allowed (2008)I’ll also respect that the documentary gives some discussion over both sides of intelligent design and Darwinian evolution, although I do question the interview of one humanist scientist who suggests extraterrestrial involvement in evolution. The inclusion of that interview makes the case for Intelligent Design by a default. Show me a guy who comes across as one step away from the funny farm and I’ll take the alternative view any day of the week. However, I am pleased to see that there are distinct definitions of micro-evolution (the variations of a species, such as a breed of dog) and macro-evolution (a stone to a soup to a fish to a monkey to a man) and the presentation of the documentary is well-crafted. However, what I was more interested in was the main focus of the subject: not to dive in the evolution debate specifically, but rather the concept that educated teachers and scientists lose their jobs and/or are disavowed because they simply want both sides to be considered and/or debated. Nothing more. There is the problem that one ‘cannot see or observe’ an intelligent designer (or creator) but no one can prove (or cannot prove) that such being(s) exist except through faith. A person can say, rationally so, that an intelligent designer helped shaped or did shape many if not all of the earth’s wonders. Yet the same thing could be applied to the marco-evolution theory, which has also never been seen or observed and is also accepted on faith. What is more alarming is that when the idea of a creator (or God) is challenged, aspects of society will want to hear the atheist-humanist-agnostic side and ask that they be heard. That’s fair. What’s not fair is when the other side of the argument more or less asks for the same forum and get shut out of the public square. Do I feel that the film made a good case for challenging (social) Darwinism? Without a doubt. Do I feel, after watching this, that a case was made for those who were thrown out of various institutions? No, I don’t. Do I feel that the film shows scientific evidence for either creationism or evolution? That’s not observed.

That’s where Expelled succeeds-and where it fails.


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

Directed by: Nathan Frankowski

Host/Narrator: Ben Stein
rating: 6

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author picture Darren Seeley (148 posts)
Fave directors include David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Michael Mann, Anique Faqua, Walter Hill, John Carpenter, John Woo and James Cameron. An aspiring screenwriter, I wrote several spec scripts (platform: Final Draft) that I occasionally submit to contests, Inktip, and workshop through peer review sites like Triggerstreet and Zoetrope. I have attended The Austin Film Festival and Heart Of Screenwriters Conference in 2001 and 2002. CoP marks my third go around as an internet film reviewer of sorts. My previous film hub haunts were 'Dark Universe' and, most notably, 'The Projector Booth'. Location: MI,USA.


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    Expelled is a fraud. The truth about this movie has been dutifully researched and exposed at: http://www.expelledexposed.com

    Comment by Dave — Sun December 14, 2008 @ 23:16
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    It’s not so much as a ‘truth’ as it a rebuttal. No documentary is without some debate- as it is, even In my review of the fllm, I thought it had some flaws, and never really had much focus on the subject matter that was being the primary target. But I don’t think the film is without merit.

    Comment by Darren Seeley — Mon December 15, 2008 @ 0:19

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