The Lemon List Of 2007 : I’ll Give You A Requiem!

Filed under: — Darren Seeley on January 2nd, 2008 03:01:55 am

Lemon List 2007 Ah, the start of a New Year! As I break out the calandar, mark up important days to come, then, the morning surprise of snow on the ground, and a day’s worth of shoveling and snowblowing. It’s a workout, time consuming and it is depressing. Just like …The Seeler’s Annual Lemon List…, the worst films of 2007. Folks, you didn’t actually think I’d forget about this, did you? Sadly, even if I did, the world still turns, life goes on, because the more I think about these pictures the more I think nuclear armeggeddon is soon upon us.
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Did ‘Halo’ cause a bad week at the North American Box Office?

Filed under: — Darren Seeley on October 17th, 2007 11:10:16 pm

Halo vs. Ben Stiller I can understand it when a sporting event, such as The Olympics or NCAA March Madness commences and films playing in theatres take a pinch. Sometimes what causes films to not doing well is holiday weekends…in fact many years ago in the US, releasing a film on the fourth of July meant the kiss of death, as folks would rather see fireworks and roast marshmellows. Forget all of that now. Just forget it. Because now when a film flops, it isn’t due to a sports event or holiday. It may not even be that the film was bad or poorly marketed. It may not be that audiences wanted to see something else. Now the scapegoat is…a fellow named Master Chief.
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The Lemon List Of 2006 : One Last Swipe

Filed under: — Darren Seeley on January 1st, 2007 05:01:26 am

Lemon List Darren J Seeley2006 was a surprising year in movies for me. For the most part, the past year has been nearly free of lousy overproduced films. There is one or two, but at least the masses wre not hit over the head this past year with an army of them like two to three years ago. Consider it an act of mercy, or at least an oversight on Hollywood’s part. Yes, I’m well aware we were handed Jackass 2 this past year as well- but I can’t really knock a cheap film for being anything other than it pretends to be. I will, however question the intellect of those who paid hard earned money to see it and made it a hit film in the States for two weeks straight. In the meantime, read on and question my intellect on whatever forces possessed me to watch the following pieces of high priced trash.
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The Best Films Of 2005

Filed under: — Darren Seeley on December 30th, 2005 07:12:44 pm

When the book is closed of the films of 2005, many will say , based on box office, was a lousy year for films. I’m not entirely convinced; yes, there were lots of mediocre stuff out there, but the bright side is you can tell the good from the bad. Sadly, there were at least four wonderful films in 2005 that the masses (at least in the US) avoided. I also think where the majors failed, the indies flourished.
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The Lemon List Of 2005 : One Last Swipe

Filed under: — Darren Seeley on December 17th, 2005 06:12:17 am

As 2005 draws to a close, to Hollywood it will be a year most remembered for the box office slump. It isn’t really there, since the year before there were quite a number of box office surprises. But when I look carefully at this past year’s slate, what I have seen hasn’t gotten me depressed, it has me doing cartwheels. Yes, there is a reason to celebrate, sort of. Moviegoers are staying away from cineplexes because not only Hollywood has finally been caught second guessing the audience, but in deciding the worst films, I shall pinpoint the major culprit…
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Grand Opening of The IFC Center

Filed under: — marisa on June 17th, 2005 08:06:03 pm

ifcThe old Waverly Theater in the West Village (best known for starting the whole cult of midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show) has finally been reincarnated as the brand spanking new IFC Center. IFC stands for The Independent Film Channel, a movie lovers favorite on US cable television. So, while the theater isn’t independent, the movies promise to be.
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RENT goes to Hollywood

Filed under: — marisa on June 8th, 2005 10:06:37 pm

They are making a movie version of RENT and now that it’s out there I’m wondering what took them so long. The Broadway smash hit was so successful with young audiences because it truly captured the vibrancy of the East Village in the 90’s. Inspired by La Boheme, RENT’s characters are all young, dealing with love in a time of AIDS and the facing the conflict of being drawn to life in New York but struggling just to make the rent. In a way, RENT captured a sense of community so appealingly that everyone wanted to live there. Now the neighborhood has undergone so much gentrification it is all but impossible to find residents who aren’t fairly wealthy or else who have lived there for such a long that they can hardly be considered the young and vibrant anymore.
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Tops and Flops of 2004

Filed under: — Arjan Welles on January 1st, 2005 07:01:43 pm

Don’t you just hate these lists at the end of an old year, or the beginning of a new year? Well, so do I, so that’s why I decided to bug you all by presenting my lists of the best and worst movies of the year 2004. A year that was characterized by big block-busters, sequels and remakes that turned out to be even bigger disappointments (or more specifically: an insult to the intelligence of many viewers). A year that was also filled with remarkable art-house films. Oh, and happy New Year!
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Hyper (2003)

Filed under: — marisa on July 31st, 2003 12:07:50 am

hyper.jpgCheck out Hyper the winner of the Best Short Short, 2003 Aspen ShortsFest.

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Filed under: — suzero on July 8th, 2003 06:07:27 pm

engrish.jpg‘Engrish’ is a slang term which refers to an English language phrase that arose through poor translation of another language (usually Japanese) into English. This applies to many (bootlegged) DVD’s found in Asia. The Engrish subtitles contain hilarious mistakes. Enjoy some Lord of the Rings: 2 Towers screenshots HERE.