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Media Centers(Libraries)

Media Centers(Libraries)

The Media Centers (libraries) on the various campuses of the Keio system represent important information resources for students, faculty, and researchers. As a whole, they are considered to constitute one of the foremost academic information storehouses in the country. The combined libraries of the Keio Media Centers house more than 4.2 million books and publications. In October 2002, Keio University became the first East Asian institution to formally become a member of RLG (Research Libraries Group, Inc.). RLG Programs combined with OCLC in 2006, forming the largest non-profit organization devoted to the needs of libraries, archives and museums.  RLG Programs has more than 140 partner institutions <> around the world, including such institutions as Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Sydney, and Melbourne Universities.  At the Media Centers, OCLC’s comprehensive catalogue database (WorldCat <>) is used to construct the catalogue database for the Media Center library system (KOSMOS).


Mita Media Center

Mita Media Center


The Mita Media Center derives directly from the original Keio University library built in 1912 and expanded with a new building in 1982. A combined total of 2.3 million books makes this one of the best facilities of its kind in Japan.

Hiyoshi Media Center

Hiyoshi Media Center


Designed primarily as a library for freshmen and sophomores, the Hiyoshi Media Center houses academic books, general-interest videos, DVDs, and CDs, along with online databases and electronic journals.

Media Center for Science and Technology

Media Center for Science and Technology


Located in Yagami, this facility specializes in science and engineering materials, with an emphasis on advanced technological fields and network search services.

Shinanomachi Media Center

Shinanomachi Media Center


This facility houses one of the top medical libraries in Japan, featuring databases and electronic journals. It remains open until late at night and on weekends.

Mita Media Center

SFC Media Center


Opened in 1991, this facility functions as both a traditional library and a modern information processing center, with multimedia and PC stations connected to the Internet through a campus-wide LAN.


Information and Media Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences

Information and Media Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences and Shiba Kyoritsu Library of Pharmaceutical Sciences joins the Keio Media Centers in 2008.