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Welcome New Readers!



I'm glad you could visit. It's possible you're not yet sure what the hell you're looking at. This page can help acclimate you. Here are some things it might help you to know.

My Name is Rob

I'm the creator of PartiallyClips and this website. If you have questions, feel free to email me or catch up with me at one of the conventions I attend.

This is a Webcomic

That is to say, this is a comic strip hosted and regularly updated on the web. Generally, webcomics have additional content and community information, such as this page and the Forums, where you can communicate with other readers and give your feedback on the strip. Webcomics are usually provided for free, but often you are asked to donate and/or buy books and merchandise to support the effort.

This is Also a Print Comic Strip

In addition to being on the web, PartiallyClips runs in a number of alt weekly newspapers around the US. They pay me directly, and I am very interested in getting into more of them.

The Name is "PartiallyClips"

"PartiallyClips" is one unhyphenated word, with an InterCap. The name is descriptive of what I do here and a small pun (say it out loud if you missed it). It's descriptive because...

This is a Clip Art Strip

I write PartiallyClips and I put it together graphically, but I do not draw it. I use royalty-free clip art, and you will quickly notice that the same piece of art is used without modification in each of the three frames. I sometimes get compliments on my art, and I never know how to respond. One guy even invited me to illustrate his book...on stupidity.

Art is important to many webcomics and webcomics readers, but it's not a big part of what I'm doing here. The creators who use pens sometimes like to bash the ones who use sprites, MS Paint, clip art or other technological shortcuts. But the key to enjoying webcomics is appreciating them for what they are, not slamming them for what they aren't. This is just a gag strip. So laugh, damn you.

This is For Grown-Ups

When I say I write PartiallyClips for grown-ups, I mean the subject matter and the dialog tend to be things a fairly well-read, aware, and not-too-squeamish adult can relate to. Sometimes there are a lot of words for a three-panel strip, and sometimes they are words like "perspectivism" or "disparagement" or "pantheon." On the other coin, sometimes the words are four letters long and the strip leads up to a dick joke. So just be prepared; this isn't Ziggy, and I swell with pride over that fact. But that's not a dick joke.

There is No Storyline, There are No Characters

In some ways, it's easy to get up to speed with PartiallyClips because every strip is its own capsule. Other webcomics have pages of character bios and links to beginnings of story arcs. Not here. However, some strips are better than others, and I would rather have you start with some of the ones which have generated the best feedback. So these are my suggested starting strips:

2003-05-26 Castle 2002-09-29 Koalas 2002-06-26 Carriage Ride
2003-05-11 Penguin Mom 2002-09-08 Bogroll the Cyclops 2002-05-19 Buying Plants
2003-01-03 Clams 2002-07-28 Fishing With Grampa 2002-03-31 Sugar Cookies
2002-12-27 Canoe in Storm 2002-07-07 Computer Training 2002-03-03 Pool Table

The More You Know

This should be enough to give you a handle. There is a lot more information about this project in the About and FAQ sections, and you can re-live the history of the strip in the News Archive. Enjoy, have fun! I do this to entertain strangers like you.


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