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About PartiallyClips

Updated: Twice weekly on Sundays and Thursdays

Archived: All strips are now archived, but look in the Special Extras section for bonus strips.

Format: Three panels, the same piece of clip-art in each panel, balloons added for speech, thought, and narration.

(Some of) The Rules I Follow: No changes to the art from frame to frame, but small changes to the original clip (usually size or orientation) are sometimes necessary. Never use the same clip in two strips. No repeating characters. No overtly political humor. Nothing topical that will not be funny a year from now. No strips without a gag (preferably multiple gags). Offensive subjects and language are fine if they're central to the humor. No self-referential humor. No breaking the fourth wall. Stay dark, keep your edge, but come up for air now and then.

Project Started: 1998 for Scene magazine, then abandoned. Ressurected in December 2001.

Website Started: February 2002

Site traffic: Around 40,000 hits, 1 GB transfer a day, and climbing.

Upcoming Events: A new book collection called "Suffering For My Clip-Art: The Best of PartiallyClips vol. 1" is due out in July 2005 from Unseen Productions.  This new collection contains only the best strips (selected in part by helpful readers) from the first three years of the strip's history.

Adjunct Projects: PartiallyClips is not my only creative project.  It's not even my only comic strip.  Be sure to check out Cliptoons, a comic I co-write with its original creator John Hartzell.  When you vote for PartiallyClips on whatever vote board I am currently attached to, you'll see a bonus comic called Screen Cap Comics, a shameless trampling of other people's IP rights I update about twice a week at random.  Then there is my filk writing and singing, which you can learn more about at RichFantasyLives.com

How You Can Help: Vote for the strip every day by clicking the Vote button in the upper left. Tell your friends, and link this site from your website or in your blog.  Through Cafe Press, every single strip is available on a mug and t-shirt.  These are quite legible and nice, despite what you may have heard about Cafe Press products.  If you would like any strip on any other item of Cafe Press merchandise, just email me and make the request.

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