Modern Mechanix Round-Up

turbowheel_liner.jpgToday on Modern Mechanix we look at this Turbo Wheel Ocean Liner, a bevy of new cycle-cars from the 1922 Paris auto show, a movie projector that uses record sized disks of film and a few 1933 machines for "pulling power from the skies". Planning on buying a computer but can't make up your mind? Deciding whether to get a digital or analog computer is always a tough choice so I'd recommend reading this 1958 Popular Electronics article: "ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS - what they are and what they do" to get yourself up to speed. This handy little lady's mirror has a compartment in the handle to hold your stash of coke perfume.

This weekend we looked at this crazy 14 foot high 2,400 pound gyroscopic wheel from 1923 that was supposed to be able to go at least 250 miles per hour, a round up of new radio designs from 1934, a method for measuring lawmaker's intellect, a robot that makes introductions at banquets, and an electric table that serves your guests. This 1933 Modern Mechanix article explains how to build a really fun looking "Comedy Ford" trick car for doing stunts. We learned about using weird unseen rays to trap master crooks and an early boxing telecast. Also, a look at what the credit department of a big department store looked like before computers,  amateur news reel photographers, a dangerous looking homemade chair-sled, a solar powered steam engine and motorcycle riding headlight peddlers.


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