Gangsta rap video about airport security

TSA Gangstaz is a sophomoric and extremely funny gangsta rap videos about airport security -- "Belt buckle money clip coins keys wallet purse/put some cheese on it run it through." Link (Thanks, Yad!)


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Cheese? Sounds more like "Deeze" to me.

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This is excellent! One of the better videos on the 'Tubes that I have seen this year.

You better lose that Pre-9/11 mentality...
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Just had to point out the... appropriate hit-count the video had reached when a got there:

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better skip the cheese, TSA Gs

I was at the Montreal airport on Sunday and was forced to throw out the little tub of cream cheese I'd bought to go with my still-warm MTL bagels. the container was open (I'd eaten some of it). I showed the contents to the security officers who could plainly see it was cheese, not a plastic explosive.

no go.

had he cream cheese been spread ON the bagels, it would have been fine. cream cheese in a little plastic tub = obvious security hazard...

I sat in the waiting area and ate as much as I could stomach and threw the rest away.

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I would pay EXTRA for a flight that involved this kind of security check.


"Good music in a dumb world."

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In case some people don't watch it, that starred Zack Selwyn from G4's Attack of the Show. I knew he did music on the side, but this was the first time I saw something not AOTS-related out of him. If this blows up big enough maybe he'll end up as part of their "Around the Net" segment. I wonder if that's contractually possible.

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great,now TSA has a recruitment video

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@ #4:

As a fellow aficionado of Montreal's delicious bagels, I feel for you.

Screenerz need to stop bein' jealous. Don't hate on the bagels, baby.

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Yeah, pretty funny, except for those rhymes about, what was it, sexual assault? HILARIOUS. Can't somebody make a fantastic parody that doesn't involve a lone voiceless woman grinding?

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"let me squeeze those titties or the terrorists have already won."

...i laughed at this for a solid 5 minutes while in the quiet area of the library.

@ #9:

fantastic = voiceless woman grinding

the only way it gets better is if there is moaning woman grinding

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