Blogs of the Day

Top Posts

The most popular posts are ranked here according to a special formula.


  1. Lewis switches from Clinton to Obama

    [cnn-photo-caption image= caption=” Rep. John [...]
    CNN Political Ticker
  2. News media unfair to Clinton?

    [image] Cli
    Cafferty File
  3. Lost: Via Domus Review

    Lost: Via Domus - A good “meh” By Shadow Wave [image] ©2008 Ben Cadwallader WARNING: Review contains [...]
    XboxOZ360 - Weblog
  4. A look at temperature anomalies for all 4 global metrics: Part 1

    I recently plotted all four global temperature metrics (GISS, HadCRUT, UAH, RSS) to illustrate the magnitude of the [...]
    Watts Up With That?
  5. Pedro Botelho - Arsenal's New Wing Wizard + Video

    [image] In the summer of 2007 Arsenal signed Brazilian left midfielder Pedro Roberto Silva Botelho from [...]
    [» Young Guns ! «]
  6. Gallas gets a bollocking, Vela lined up, Cesc rattles his sabre and is Adriano coming?

    Billy boy got a rip roaring bollocking from his team mates at the home of the leg breakers on Saturday and rightly [...]
    Le Grove
  7. Let's Jailbreak 1.1.4 using ZiPhone GUI

    Apple released firmware 1.1.4 today. There appears nothing new visibly so I guess the changes are bug fixes and perhaps [...]
    RupertGee's iBlog
  8. Call of Duty 4 Keeps #1 Spot on Live Plus Patch Updates

    [image] The weekly battle for the “Most Played Game on Xbox Live” continues this week with Call of Duty 4: Modern [...]
  9. Quick day...

    Today was a short day at the ballpark. Mike Mussina and Jeff Karstens are matching up in the intrasquad game this [...]
    The Phil Hughes Weblog
  10. Huckabee to McCain: Debate Me

    Little Rock, AR- Mike Huckabee, campaigning in Ohio yesterday, formally asked GOP rival John McCain for a two-man [...]
    FOX Embeds
  11. Female mayor fired for pics in bra and panties

    [image] The Mayor of the small town Arlington, Oregon Carmen Kontur-Gronquist has been stripped of her duties because [...]
    Media Outrage
  12. last ones ya'll...

    ok, first things first. thanks for all you guys input on which logo ya’ll think would work best for our bar. i [...]
    Big Al's Blog
  13. NHL trade deadline haikus

    Are there two things on this Earth that go together more perfectly than sports commentary and Japanese poetry? Besides, [...]
    Dirty Games
  14. Apple to unveil iPhone software, enterprise features on March 6

    [image] On Wednesday, Apple sent this invitation to its iPhone software launch. Image courtesy of Apple. Apple [...]
    FORTUNE: Big Tech
  15. Loh Gwo-Burne : How now, Kelana Jaya voters?

    [image] [image] 31 comments to the ‘PKR, why,why,why?’ post with so many diverse views. Farida’s [...]
    The People's Parliament
  16. Middle Names?

    Is it fair to insert Barack Obama’s middle name into the political discussion?  Is this relevant?  Does anyone [...]
    Alisyn in the Greenroom
  17. more random things about me and the one bowl wonder!

    I’ve been tagged for a second time! This time by Pam over at Cave Cibum who, coincidentally, will be sending me a [...]
    real life foodie adventures

    [image] (Or, perhaps, sweet and sour.) Aboard the Obama campaign plane headed to Columbus Wednesday, top strategist [...]
    The Page
  19. Tunite

    [image] picture: dunno source, via our lolcat builder. lol caption: MajorMalfunction We nom in HELL!!1!!!!
    Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  20. Naruto - Chapter 391 Spoilers

    [image]Holy Shit! This chapter looks like it’s not what I was expecting. It seems pretty fucking godly. I want to [...]
    ZeroZero//A.V.A.L.O.N Project
  21. What made me cry: Microsoft's World Wide Telescope

    Lots of people are asking me questions about what made me cry at Microsoft a few weeks ago. If I told you “a [...]
    Scobleizer -- Tech geek blogger
  22. The Worst Ever West Ham Player: Your Nominations Please

    We all know who our West Ham heroes are - the men who would make our All Time Top Eleven. But who would be your All [...]
    West Ham Till I Die
  23. Medical Tourism: Doug Undergos Major Dental Surgery In El Salvador

    by Lori Lundin   The major portion of treatment will be done today with Doug under twilight anesthesia.  He’ll [...]
    FOX News Health Blog
  24. "Exclusive"Eduardo Wallpaper

    For all members of The Gooner Forum and to gooners who check out our blog we have an exclusive Eduardo tribute [...]
    The Gooner Forum "Blog"
  25. David Archuleta - Singing 'Imagine' - American Idol 7

    [YouTube] He is Clark’s and my favorite contestant on the show. He is absolutely amazing!!! We hope he [...]
    Rebecca's Blog
  26. Apple briefs: Jobs' air travel, iPhone update, iTunes is No. 2

    [image]The iPhone software developers kit (SDK) promised for February may not have materialized, but Feb. 26 turned out [...]
    FORTUNE: Apple 2.0
  27. Sunset Boulevard

    [image] Paris and Nicky Hilton [image] Sarah Howard and Cameron Richardson [image] Dori Cooperman and Casey Johnson <
    Park Avenue Peerage
  28. Fork Fail

    Thanks to Sara for: [image]
    The FAIL Blog
  29. It's My Hex in a Box!

    [image]On the night of Trade Deadline Day, which of the following three global personalities were least likely to be in [...]
    Melt Your Face-Off
  30. Sharia Justice: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

    Nigerian politicain Habiba Garba was the victim of premeditated violence as the result of continued harassment that she [...]
    Dj Konservo
  31. Arsenal target Per Ciljian Skjelbred

     [image]Skjelbred: Target Rosenborg midfielder Per Ciljian Skjelbred is reportedly a target for Arsenal, although [...]
    Jeorge Bird's Arsenal Reserves and Youth blog
  32. Behind the Scene: Last Farewell MV

    Behind the Scene: Last Farewell MV Behind the Scene pics of making the Last Farewell Music Video soo freaking cute. i [...]
    BIG BANG Fansite
  33. Emma Kelly is walking! And it only took 15 1/2 months!

    Kellie's Blog
  34. The New Apple MacBook Pros: What’s With the One in the Middle?

    [image]With the new MacBook Pros Apple released yesterday, I’m left wondering about the purpose of the middle [...]
    The Small Wave.
  35. decision-making for dummies

    [image] “FETCH, nano!” Photo from petit hiboux.
    Flickr Blog
  36. Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 2/27/08

    Anderson and Erica are ready to blog.  Last night, Anderson had a few technical glitches but he swears things are [...]
    Anderson Cooper 360
  37. Video: John P. Kee Writes Song for Barack Obama - "Change, Yes We Can"

    I love John P. Kee!!!!!! Woo!!! I think my mom was probably playing John P. Kee when I was in her womb, so that’s [...]
    Think On These Things
  38. Maybe we'll just stay where we're at.

    Barry Tramel in The Oklahoman notes that recently the road of college head coaches going to the NFL has become a rocky [...]
    Get The Picture
  39. When Did You Become Someone Else’s Intellectual Property?

    By Bijan Sabet, a general partner at Spark Capital who also blogs at Every day, venture capitalists [...]
  40. William F. Buckley: the Gift of Friendship

    [image]  William F. Buckley.  The death of a man at age 82, after a productive, successful, event-filled life [...]
    sans everything
  41. Be Comfortable in Your Genes

    [image] I’ve been remiss in not mentioning National Eating Disorders Awareness Week yet (and in not posting [...]
    Shapely Prose
  42. Time To Re-Focus

    It was a day when the media-baiting was to die down but alas, they would not let it lie. Kevin McCarra’s is a strange [...]
    A Cultured Left Foot
  43. Dude ... what?

    Like, what? Via. … I keep trying think of something to say about this, because the silence is so awkward. I [...]
    Liberal Fascism
  44. the soul of starbucks?

    Yesterday, Starbucks was again in the local and national news because about 7100 of the national Starbucks stores were [...]
    beauty and depravity
  45. Best. Game. Ever.

    No. REALLY. Go. Protip: you can stop being a drooling re-re after the tutorial. Here’s my shining character of [...]
    Broken Toys
  46. 39: Fire Dr. Lindsey Now!

    In Morganton, North Carolina — the sleepy town that sits right next to the Appalachian Mountains and the hometown [...]
    The Countdown To The Resurrection
  47. Just a bit more on Pew

    Of course, the major story coming out of the Pew survey is the fluidity of religious affiliation in the U.S.   This [...]
    Charlotte was Both
  48. *Anonymous Submission*

    Out and about last night, I suddenly hear “What the {censored}” from the friend I was with, he was scared [...]
    Second Life Fashion Police
  49. Hack the Hack

    for those of you with iPhones living outside France but also being lazy to use the “/etc/hosts” hack, we [...] Weblog
  50. sugasm #120

    It’s the dying week of February. It’s odd that sometimes the shortest month sometimes feels like the [...]
    six elaborates...
  51. Jensen gets life without parole

    KENOSHA, Wisconsin – Mark Jensen has been sentenced by to life in prison with no chance of parole. Judge Bruce [...]
    In Session:
  52. what matters? ask a scatterbrain

    From a student: I’m a few years away from the job market. But not THAT far away. What matters? Everyone I talk to [...]
  53. How to: map protein sequence onto chromosomal coordinates using BioPerl

    My coding challenge this week: given a protein sequence and its exons, how do you map single amino acid residues to a [...]
    What You're Doing Is Rather Desperate
  54. Bernie makes Shortbread!

    Shortbread FTW! Crumbly buttery shortbread… I like~ [image] Walker’s Shortbread and Arnotts’ [...]
  55. BrewersNation interview with

    UPDATE 02-27-08 3:30 PM - Because of the popularity of this interview, I’m going to continue to bump this to the [...]
  56. May he rest in peace.

    William F. Buckley (1925-2008): requiescat in pace. Ipsi Domine, et omnibus in Christo quiescentibus, locum [...]
    Vox Nova
  57. A Saddish Kind of Day

    I came to Church for the midweek service and found that the rector’s office door had been broken down at some [...]
    Ad Imaginem Dei
  58. Worst #1 ever?

     [image]Unfortunate photo for Ramar. Perhaps that is an overstatement, but UT is definitely one of the stupidest.  [...]
    Get Blitzed
  59. Tamarind Balls - The best reason to visit St. Kitts

    Sorry, I feel like I have been neglecting all of you… but I was away for the weekend celebrating my 20th high [...]
    Karma-Free Cooking
  60. Grammar Dog

    [image] …Arch Enemy of “LOL Cats” photo and caption by: Atwood Boyd
    Loldogs 'n' Cute Puppy Pictures - I Has A Hotdog!
  61. Charles in the Local and International Media

    International and Local Media Coverage [image] [Charles speaking to G Manimaran from Channel Newsasia, Mediacorp, [...]
  62. Wedding nightmares and a question. Where are you??

    Hello? Is anyone out there? Where have you all gone? I’m feel like you all disappeared. Crickets. Hm. OK. Want to [...]
    These Little Moments
  63. Boyd Coddington died this morning

    Sjeez just heard that Boyd Coddington died. I always watched his show American Hotrod on Discovery Channel. I feel that [...]
    Kultivate's Weblog
  64. Handling The Two Types of Breakups

    There are essentially two types of breakups initiated by the girl that the average guy will encounter. Knowing [...]
    Roissy in DC
  65. TEKKEN 6 Arrives In The USA!

    [image] Special thanks to Tekken Zaibatsu for the heads up! The USA’s VERY first Tekken 6 will be arriving THIS [...]
    SDTEKKEN.COM - Tekken News Resource!
  66. Can women be honest about the downside of motherhood?

    ‘It’s still taboo for women to express mixed feelings about motherhood, but many don’t find the idyll [...]
    World Have Your Say
  67. RSD Superintendent’s Son, US Army Specialist Kevin Mowl Died

    From the newsroom of the Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, New York, Monday, February 25, 2008 ….. Pittsford [...]
    Fookem and Bug
  68. Paris Fashion Week | Viktor & Rolf

    [image] (AFP/Getty Images) The Fashion Telex: In which the editors of T: The New York Times Style Magazine file [...]
    The Moment
  69. Bleach 162

    [image] Title : “Szayel Aporro Laughs, The Net Trapping Renji is Complete” “Warau Zaeruaporo, Renji [...]
    ~ listen the world ~
  70. a shower: the long version

    The long winded story of the shower: Cara has been very clear that her tradition is to not have showers, that no baby [...]
  71. The Morning Shotgun/Throwdown (2/27/08)

    [image] Welcome, By-Godders, to the Wednesday edition of the Morning Shotgun/Throwdown, presented by a big room full of [...]
    West BY GOD Virginia
  72. Paris Played Hockey?!?!

    [image]  Surprisingly, Paris Hilton did play hockey during her High school years. Well I take the plural back as she [...]
    A Hockey Perspective
  73. Download Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta

    Setelah saya posting komentar tentang film ayat-ayat cinta, maka banyak yang kemudian mengkontak untuk meminta alamat [...]
    Yusuf Yudi Prayudi
  74. Bainimarama's Ethics by Michael Field

    A lecture from Voreqe Bainimarama on ethics is akin to taking the word on good governance from Hermann [...]
    Soli Vakasama
  75. Meteorologist, formerly at KCRG, has died after a stroke

    From MyFox Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay’s 10 reports that chief meteorologist Dick Fletcher died Tuesday morning at St. [...]
    Looking in at Iowa
  76. Yoi, and Double Yoi - RIP Myron Cope

    Legendary Steelers broadcaster and Terrible Towel inventor Myron Cope passed away today at age 79. He lived a street [...]
    Black and Gold Tchotchkes
  77. MTV Wonder Girls Season 3 Sneak Preview #4

    After an onslaught of picture uploads from MTV Korea today, we see five clips from MTV Wonder Girls Season 3 being [...]
    Wonder Girls Wonderland
  78. Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 15

    Joining forces with Al-Jazeera.  Yup!  THAT is a great way to get Ron Paul elected!  Smart move [...]
    Technology Thoughts
  79. South Mountain - my 15mm wargaming layout

    A few years ago, I created a 15mm model of parts of the battlefields of South Mountain, a now rather obscure part of [...]
    Charge! Civil War wargaming & news
  80. I've never wanted to win the league so much

    [image] It’s been 4 years since we’ve won the Premiership. 4 years! Can you believe that? To be honest with [...]
    The Cannon
  81. Samy Vellu, MIC, Kapar, Lunas

    Malaysiakini reports of problems in Kapar. Malayan Indian Channel reports problems in Lunas with pictures. You can also [...]
    Aarvidi's Weblog
  82. dance, monkey ... dance

    [image]For many years i dodged the Snelling/Merced Crit weekend in the NorCal holster. I don’t know what it was [...]
  83. Dogs, Tigers tangle – again

    For the second time this season, Mississippi State and Auburn meet on the hardcourts. This time, the showdown in [...]
    Inside Mississippi State Sports with Gregg Ellis
  84. Cape Gooseberry & Raspberry Clafouti

    [image] Being indigenous to South American countries like Columbia, Physalis doesn’t exactly fit into the local [...]
  85. Nortel plans more layoffs

    Nortel (NT) is cutting back again. The Toronto-based telecom equipment company said it will cut 2,100 jobs from its [...]
    FORTUNE: Daily Briefing
  86. Food and double-standards on the campaign trail

    Over the weekend I came across an interesting article in Slate titled either (depending on where you look) “What [...]
    I am the Lizard Queen!
  87. Hisham: Big 'F' in education

    Well said. What do you expect in a person who only knows how to brandish kris.
    My No Brainer
  88. The Future of Heavenly Mother

    Heavenly Mother (HM) has proven to be a very potent and productive figure in the history of Mormonism. She has been put [...]
    Faith Promoting Rumor
  89. Things that make you go hmmmm...

    Another interesting [...]
    Janice Dean the Weather Machine
  90. More Life Lessons From Drunk Girls on MySpace

    And now, more wisdom from drunk MySpace girls… 1) Wisdom [image] [...]
    The Panda Page
  91. Where Hillary Went Wrong

    Now that the final debate is over and Hillary’s “kitchen sink” strategy did not succeed in throwing [...]
    Jon Taplin's Blog
  92. The SEC and the Mac

    Last night watching American Idol, like many of you did, I came upon this commercial about the Macbook Air: [YouTube] I [...]
    Pastormarty's Weblog
  93. Meka's Soul Mix Show: Can't Stand The Rain

    [image] So I power through the rain like I was built for the storm. [...]
  94. Delon - Your Love [feat Gita Gutawa]

    Delon - Your Love [feat Gita Gutawa]  Dilarang keras mendownload segala mp3 dari bila anda [...]
    Mp3 weekly Top 40
  95. The Greatest Apartment Building EVER!!!!!

    So three of my friends are about to move in to a totally awesome new building. Newly built, it’s got amenities [...]
    Well Whiskey Friday
  96. Mini Turkey Meatloaves

    [image] It’s my belief that, by and large, people of my generation don’t really do meatloaf. It’s not [...]
    The Kitchen Sink
  97. Gunman kills 4, then himself in Tennessee domestic dispute

    (CNN) — A 26-year-old man fatally shot four people at an apartment complex in Tennessee on Wednesday before [...]
    The CNN Wire
  98. Can Home Improvement Catch a Break?

    Both Home Depot and Lowe’s this week have posted declining sales and earnings, and the two home-improvement leaders [...]
    Counter Culture
  99. Agnes Monica, Matahariku.. (Ost Jelita)

    Agnes Monica Muljoto (lahir Jakarta, 1 Juli 1986) adalah aktris dan penyanyi Indonesia berbakat yang terutama terkenal [...]
    Balflear's Weblog
  100. bcsd 2008

    [image] Standard flight delay [image] Food at the Waffle House. God Bless it! [image] Revolution had a packed boot
    Heat Wheels