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Zine World Sampler

Home > Zine World Sampler

What is Zine World really like?

To give you an idea what you can expect from Zine World, we've put together a sampling of items from some of our past issues.

Every issue of Zine World starts off with the latest news, covering issues like zinesters getting kicked out of school or prosecuted for what they've written, the state of independent publishing, the failings of mainstream media, and the insane results of zero tolerance policies.

Then we have a lively, literate letters section, where our readers sound off about the reviews and articles we've published, as well as whatever else is on their minds.

We usually include one or two columns on issues of importance to the zine community or other out-of-the-mainstream topics.

After that, it's on to the reviews. We try to give our readers a brief overview of the content of each and every zine we've seen, plus the reviewer's honest opinion on whether it's good, bad, or in-between.

In our "Word of Mouth" section you'll find a variety of resources and helpful advice, such as recommended zine distros and stores, zine events, zine library listings, zine-related projects, photocopying or mailing advice, and other helpful topics.

And in our classifieds section, anyone with an underground or DIY project gets 50 words -- free of charge -- to tell us what they're up to. We have listings for everything from audio/video to zines, and everything in between.

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Zine World: A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
PO Box 330156, Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0156 USA
Editor - jerianne@undergroundpress.org
Webmaster - webmaster@undergroundpress.org