

Program Guide (pdf)

About 3CR : Facilities and Services


Find out about getting your organisation's community announcement on air, undertake a station tour, hire a studio or do a media skills workshop at 3CR.

As a socially progressive community radio station with over 130 radio programs in over 20 community languages, 3CR is a valuable resource to the Melbourne community.

Many groups and individuals utilize the station including community groups, activist organisations, government bodies, not for profit organisations, event and festival organisers, educational institutions, musicians and performers.....

3CR offers:
* community announcements
* station tours
* studio hire
* media skills workshops

Community Announcements

Audience The 3CR audience is a diverse one of approximately 200 000 listeners each month (McNair Survey). Broadcasting from the innercity Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy, 3CR 855 AM extends as far out to Geelong and as far south as Tasmania.

Free Announcements 3CR accepts free announcements from the community by fax on 9417 4472 or email. Free announcements go into a tray for programmers to access at will. Air play is in no way guaranteed. Clients can promote their events by addressing each press release to an appropriate program. Go to Programming to find out about 3CR program details.

Paid Announcements To ensure your announcement goes to air then please contact the Special Projects Coordinator for a sliding scale fee (see below for more information).

Cross Promotions 3CR is open to some cross-promotional arrangements - for example the 3CR logo on flyers, posters etc in return for free community announcements. 3CR does not play charity announcements for free etc. ALL cross promotions need to be negotiated with and agreed to by the Special Projects Coordinator before being produced.

Community languages Community announcements are available in both English and one of the community languages currently spoken at the station>> Amharic, Armenian, Classical Arabic, Chilean, Dari, English, Farsi/ Persian, Greek, Hararian, Kurdish, Macedonian, Morrocan Arabic dialect, Nepalese, Pashtu, Samoan, Somalian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish, Uruguayan and Vietnamese.

All paid 3CR community announcements are:
* non-commercial in both content and tone
* less than 50 seconds
* usually produced at 3CR
* go to air for 3 weeks or up until the advertised event
* are approximately played 4-8 times a day

Small Organisation (funded by members) - $56.45 (inc. GST)
Medium Organisation (funded by members & government) - $101.60 (inc. GST)
Large Organisation (funded by government) - $203.25 (inc. GST)
Community languages
No Translation required - $271.00 (inc. GST)
Translation required - $316.15 (inc. GST)

If an organisation wishes to offer a cross-promotional proposal in exchange for free announcements they can contact the Special Projects Co-ordinator. A limited number of opportunities for cross-promotional announcements are available and they need to be negotiated and agreed upon by the Special Projects Coordinator.

If a community announcement is produced outside of 3CR and is suitable for playing at 3CR (i.e not commercial in content or sound) then airtime only can be bought.

Copies of Announcements If clients require a copy of the announcement the fee is $15 (GST inclusive) for a CD/cassette/mini-disc or $10 for an MP3.

Process For the production of a community announcement, purchase of airtime for a pre-produced announcement or enquiry into the production of a series of community announcements please contact 3CR for a quote (see below for contact details). You will be asked to supply a script or information for the announcement and an ABN. Turn around time from request to your announcement being on air is usually 2-3 days for English announcements and 2 weeks for other languages.

Station Tours

Many organisations from tertiary and secondary institutions to special interest community groups access 3CR for station tours.

A radio station tour offers:
- an introduction to how a community radio station technically and logistically operates
- a demonstration of how a studio operates and how programs are produced and recorded
- an introduction to the staff and facilities of 3CR
- an insight into the philosophy and history of 3CR as a progressive, community radio station and 3CR's place in Australian media

Tours are conducted by a 3CR volunteer with considerable experience as a broadcaster at 3CR. Tours are tailored to the needs of the group visiting.

They take one hour, can accommodate groups of up to 15 people and cost $90 + GST.

Studio Hire

Studio 3 at 3CR is available for hire for both individuals and organisations.

The current rate of charge is:
$30/hr + GST without a technician
$60/hr + GST with a technician

Studio hire for recording low-budget bands is very, very reasonable: $100 per night (9pm -9am) without a technician.

There are no mastering facilities at 3CR.

Media Skills Workshops

3CR is uniquely placed to deliver media skills training due to its role as an alternative to mainstream media in Melbourne and the involvement of activists in broadcasting at 3CR as well as access to radio studios.

3CR trainers come from a diverse background of cultures, communities and activist movements. Trainers include Indigenous broadcasters, queer radio presenters, broadcasters from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women.

Media skills workshops are tailored to the particular group undertaking training and 3CR's philosophy is that training be conducted in a supportive and productive environment.

Sessions can include the below:

Interview skills - conducting and giving interviews for print and radio. Including interviewee skills and approaches, interview techniques, scripting and preparing answers, question and answer delivery, reinforcing key messages, dealing with difficult questions.
Voice and Microphone Technique for radio interviews - voice warm up techniques; interview requirements for radio; microphone technique.
Media - survey of local and international media; what the media is seeking; writing press releases; making contact with the media and government bodies.

Workshops can be arranged for small or large groups and in working hours or after hours. 3CR charges at a highly competitive price and each media skills workshop will be tailored for the particular group. Quotes can be obtained from 3CR.

All enquiries for the above services and facilities should be directed to:
Bree McKilligan
Special Projects Co-ordinator @ 3CR
Tuesday, Wednesday + Thursday
PH: 94198377
FAX: 9417 4472
PO Box 1277
VIC 3066

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