Affiches anti-électorales

L'Union régionale du Québec de la NEFAC a produit deux affiches anti-électorales pour la campagne électorale fédérale. Intitulées "Politichiens", l'une dit simplement "Votez bien, votez rien" tandis que l'autre dit "n'attendons rien d'eux, seule la lutte paie" et "Notre pouvoir est dans la rue, pas dans les urnes". Évidemment, les affiches sont "copyleft"... N'hésitez pas à les télécharger et à les afficher par chez-vous.

Pochoir de la NEFAC de Sherbrooke

Pochoir de la NEFAC de Sherbrooke

Oeuvre réalisée au Parc Camirand, à Sherbrooke (Québec). Photo prise en décembre 2005.

La NEFAC n’est PAS devenue indépendantiste

Il semblerait qu’un bref communiqué sur notre 12e congrès ai été mal interprété par des camarades d’outre-mer. Une rumeur circule en effet voulant que la NEFAC ai décidé de prendre position pour l’indépendance du Québec. Nous sommes les premiers surpris de l’apprendre! Si nous avons effectivement adopté un texte de discussion sur la question nationale québécoise, nous n’avons pas pris position en faveur de l’indépendance. Nous demeurons toujours aussi férocement anti-nationalistes que par le passé. Afin de dissiper tout mal-entendu, nous diffusons aujourd’hui le texte de discussion adopté par le congrès de la NEFAC.


Le secrétariat international de la Fédération des communistes libertaires du Nord-Est (NEFAC).

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NEFAC has NOT taken a position in favor of Quebec Independance

Dear comrades,

It appears that a brief communique on our 12th conference has been badly misunderstood by a few international comrades. A rumor is circulating saying that NEFAC decided to take a position in favor of Quebec Indepedance. We are surprised to learn this! If we indeed adopted a discussion paper on the issue of the Quebec National Question, we did not take a position in favorof independance. We are as anti-nationalists as ever. In order to put the record straight we are distributing the text that was adopted at our recent conference.

In solidarity

The NEFAC International Secretary

* * *

Réflexions sur la Sixième Déclaration de la forêt Lacandone et la nouvelle gauche latino-américaine

Alternative libertaire publie sur deux numéros un long texte des camarades du Mouvement libertaire cubain qui répondent par des réflexions bienveillantes à la fois critiques et constructives à la dernière Déclaration politique des zapatistes.

The Problems Posed by the Concrete Class Struggle and Popular Organisation

Reflections from an Anarchist Communist Perspective

A member of the Chilean OCL deals, in general, with the problems posed by concrete class struggle and popular organisation for anarchist communists. It aims to raise a number of questions -in an orderly and systematic fashion- that are important and necessary to think of a revolutionary alternative in a concrete place in a concrete time.

Argentina: Freedom for Gabriel Roser!

Solidarity with those who struggle in Argentina!

We call on all organizations of the people, of the workers, students and anyone who is interested in the struggle for justice in the world, to show their solidarity with the people's movements in Argentina. The brave piqueteros who at the moment are facing persecution by the Argentinian government and its repressive machinery. And in particular a militant of one of these movements who was wrongfully arrested.

Strike - November (Ontario Edition)

Download your copy of this month's STRIKE!

brought to you by Punching Out Collective, Toronto NEFAC

(en) Report from NEFAC’s 12th conference | (fr) Rapport du 12ième congrès de la NEFAC

The Northeastern Federation of Anarchist-Communists held its 12th congress this past weekend (Nov. 5-6) in Sherbrooke, Québec. Approximately 30 members were in attendance representing anarchist-communist groups from Québec City, St-Georges de Beauce, Sherbrooke, Montréal, Toronto, Boston, New York, New Jersey and Baltimore.
Read the rest

La Fédération des Communistes Libertaires a tenu son 12ième congrès la fin de semaine dernière (5-6 nov.) à Sherbrooke au Québec. Approximativement 30 membres étaient en présence, provenant de groupes communistes libertaires de Québec, St-Georges de Beauce, Sherbrooke, Montréal, Toronto, Boston, New York, New Jersey et Baltimore.
Lire la suite

France: A Week of Rebellion Against Social Injustice

French youth take part in a protest against the government's handling of recent urban unrest in France, at Place Saint Michel in Paris, November 16, 2005. (Franck Prevel/Reuters)

[A communique from our comrades at Alternative Libertaire. Translation thanks to Sketchy Thoughts.]

Within a week the riots that started in Clichy-sous-Bois as a result of the deaths of Ziad and Banou have spread to other suburbs around Paris, and now throughout the country. This is the unavoidable result of five years of Sarko-show [a reference to Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy], eight years of security legislation, and thirty years of social decline.

Read also:

France: Une semaine de révolte contre l'injustice sociale

[Communiqué d'AL.]

En une semaine, les émeutes initiées à Clichy-sous-Bois par la mort de Ziad et Banou se sont propagées à d’autres villes de banlieue parisienne puis finalement à tout l’hexagone. C’est le résultat inévitable d'au moins cinq années de sarko-show, huit années de durcissement sécuritaire et plus de trente années de dégradation sociale.

Lire aussi:

FIVE WAVES: A History of Revolutionary Anarchist Communist Mass Organizational Theory & Practice

by Michael Schmidt, Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (Southern Africa)

Anarchist communism has evolved over the past 140 years as a fighting working class tradition of revolutionary warfare against all forms of exploitation. Its aim is the creation of the freest and most equal society possible, balancing individual and collective interests in as fair a way as possible. But our detractors, both of the left and the right question whether anarchism is strong enough to work in practice.

Atlanta Anarchist #3 November 2005

Volume 1, Issue 3 November 2005
Anarchist Atlanta is the monthly newsletter of the Capital Terminus Collective, created to spread news of projects we're working on, other campaigns our individual members are involved in, and general class struggle news in our area.

  • State Terrorism from Atlanta to Oaxaca
  • Close the School of the Americas!
  • Anarcho-Communism A-Z: the letter "C"
  • The Resurrection City Seven
  • Working Groups: Counter-Recruitment, Women's Health, Media
Download and Distribute

Les anti-choix se réunissent à Montréal : Avortons leur congrès!

Du 17 au 19 novembre prochain, la droite religieuse québécoise et canadienne se donne rendez-vous à l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph de Montréal à l'occasion du congrès " La vie et la famille : source d'espérance ".

Philadelphia: SEPTA Workers Win Strike!

As of Monday, November 7th, the 5,000 Transport Workers Union Local 234 and 320 United Transportation Union Local 1594 members returned to work. A tentative agreement with SEPTA was unanimously approved by Local 234 Executive Board voting. The Local 234 Executive Board recommended ratification of contract by membership. Ratification Vote of the Tentative Contract is to be held Tuesday, November 15, 2005. 7AM to 7PM. The new contract provides 3 percent raises each year and requires employees to contribute 1 percent of their base salary toward health care premiums, Local 234 spokesman Bob Bedard said Monday. "In return, management will contribute 1 percent to health care based on their salaries," he said.

Cause commune no 8

Le numéro 8 de Cause commune, le journal de la NEFAC au Québec vient de sortir des presses. 3000 exemplaires de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantEs libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de la NEFAC le plus près de vous.

Un pdf à basse résolution --format tabloïd-- est disponible.

Au sommaire du no 8 (format HTML)

Sur les traces de l’anarchisme au Québec: les années ‘40

Comme ce fut le cas un peu partout à travers le monde, la deuxième guerre mondiale a considérablement ralenti le développement des idées anarchistes au Québec. Les liens entre l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord sont pratiquement coupés pendant toute la durée du conflit. Au Québec, on assiste à un retour au conservatisme. Après avoir perdu le pouvoir en 1939, l’Union Nationale remporte la victoire aux élections de 1944. Le chef du parti, Maurice Duplessis, dirige les destinées de la province jusqu’en 1959, l’année de sa mort. Sous son «règne», les libertés fondamentales sont constamment violées, avec la bénédiction du clergé catholique, sous fond de maccarthysme. Dans une lettre à l’anarchiste français Émile Armand, Paul Faure décrit en ces termes le climat politique auquel les «réfractaires» (libertaires compris) font face pendant la «Grande Noirceur» : «Depuis plus de 40 ans que je suis dans ce pays, je constate que le mouvement des idées n’a jamais été aussi bas. Mais par contre, la réaction ne s’est jamais manifestée avec autant de vigueur (...), la chasse aux «rouges» va se déchaîner en hystérie. La situation [est] tragique». Malgré ce climat répressif, l’après-guerre sera marquée par le développement d’un groupe fortement inspiré par les idées libertaires : les automatistes. RéuniEs autour du peintre Paul-Émile Borduas, une quinzaine de jeunes artistes n’hésiteront pas à confronter le lourd climat clérical et fascisant qui marque cette période plutôt «sombre» de l’histoire québécoise.

Support Those Arrested for Protesting Neo-Nazis in Toledo


This is an emergency request for bail money for people arrested at the anti-Nazi demonstration in Toledo, OH. Please Western Union money to Chris Fox in Kent, OH. Call him at 330-389-0891 once the money is wired.

Montreal Against the Minutemen!

Activists demonstrate against the Minutemen in Rock Island.

On Saturday, October 15th, a group of 25 people from Montreal drove down to Rock Island, QC, which sits right on the Quebec-Vermont border. The reason for their visit - the Minutemen were patrolling the Derby Line border crossing, and groups of anarchists, socialists, and leftists on both sides of the border were determined to stop them!

The minutemen are a volunteer group of vigilantes who patrol the borders of the USA in an attempt to stop migrants from crossing. They began their patrols on the US-Mexican border in April, 2005, and launched their campaign at the US-Canadian border on October 1st.

While they claim not to be racist and just "protecting their country", the politics of the Minutemen can be described as veiled fascism. They portray any immigrant or refugee as a threat to national security, and there have been known incidences where they have humilated, harassed, and beaten migrants - all while thwarting their attempts to seek some form of safety and sanctuary in the USA.

77% of Teachers Vote to End Strike in British Columbia

77% of BCTF's 38,000 teachers voted to agree with the mediator's recommendation and end the strike. Schools re-open on Monday (10/24/05). Recommendations included $20 million increase in the government's commitment for learning conditions in the current fiscal year and additional money for class size reductions and special-needs issues; as well as $40 million "towards harmonization of salary grids throughout the province. Provincial Education Minister Shirley Bond said the government is willing to discuss class size and composition as well as other issues. Next spring, contracts talks will begin.

The last couple of days have seen rotating strike action in different regions of British Columbia. On Friday (10/21/05), the third party mediator between the Government and BCTF came out with recommendations for both sides. In response, the BC Federation of Labour cancelled their protest actions on Friday in the most populated region of BC, the lower mainland [which includes Vancouver]. Notable, CUPE went ahead--40,000 of their members are on strike in the region. Later in the day the BCTF leadership announced they would "reluctantly" recommend to the membership acceptance of the recommendations of the mediator, and the government followed by agreeing to unconditionally to the terms the mediator set forth.
Despite government threats, thousands walked off the job in support of striking teachers on Monday (10/17/05). Businesses were up in arms at the refusal of BC workers to adhere to the law. "People must obey the law", Jerry Lampert from the Business Council of British Columbia warned, "or we are on the short or long road to anarchy in this province, and we just can't afford that". Lampert's comments, cited by speakers at the rally, provoked the laughter of thousands of striking teachers and their supporters. When faced with the gross disavowal of worker's rights, thousands have shown that the law is illegitimate not the strike.

Victoria, October 17, 2005

Work sites were shut down through cross-picketing throughout the city, including unionized workers in both the public and private sectors. Busdrivers, mail carriers, and construction workers were just a few of the workers who joined the teachers in solidarity. NAF members took part, cross-picketing a number of sites. Posters were plastered across the downtown core calling for a general strike.

Federation Nationale des Enseignates et des Ensignants du Quebec (FNEEQ-CSN) and Confederation des syndicats du Quebec (CSQ) support the BC strike. Ontario Teachers Federation has lent $10 million to the BCTF to support the strike - in numbers that's 50 days of strike support money.

Northwest Anarchist Federation (NAF) plastered the city core with several hundred posters Sunday night: Teachers! Students! People of BC! Stop the Campbell Government!

Popular Assemblies Now! "The escalation of job action depends on the diffusion of participation and communication across the membership as whole, reaching out to other workers and the broader community. This can best be accomplished through the constitution of decentralized networks and organization." - NAF, Unfinished Business #3

NAF has also organized a mass public forum on the strike for Sunday, 1:00 PM October 23rd the Da Vinci Centre 195 Bay St.

BACKGROUND: Operation Sold Out II: The Failed General Strike in British Columbia (April-May 2004)

The U.S. Deserves to Lose in Iraq but Should We "Support the Iraqi Resistance"?

An Anarchist Opinion on the Iraqi War

The United States deserves to be militarily defeated in Iraq. It should be forced to withdraw from that country. The U.S. is waging a war of aggression, invading and occupying a country that did it no harm and had been no threat, overthrowing its government, killing tens of thousands of its people, including civilians, torturing others, remaining in the country even after overthrowing its government, violating the wishes of most of its people, trying to sell off its oil, and planning to maintain U.S. military bases there for a long time. All this was justified by a campaign of lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction and about ties to terrorism. If international law means anything at all, this is an illegal war. This vile war of aggression should be lost!

Anti-Nazi Demonstration Erupts into Rioting in Toledo

A plan by Neo-Nazis to march through a black neighborhood in northen Toledo incited a riot. When police tried to escort the nazis out in the neighborhood they were pelted by rocks and a crowd of up to 600 residents gathered in protest. Tear gas was used to push back people but the police were unable to control the crowd as they were hit by rocks when they would try to advance. Eventually a small bar is burnt down and several fire trucks pelted by rocks and a state of emergency is declared for the city and an 8pm curfew set. The police plan to have a strong presence in this community for the next few days. They had arrested 114 people by Sunday.

Operation Sold Out II: The Failed General Strike in British Columbia in 2004

Agitating for a general strike, Mayday 2004.

The most significant period of labor unrest in British Columbia since 1983 took place in late April and early May of 2004, as a result of the failed province-wide “General Strike” movement. During this period, dissatisfaction with government policies and ensuing legislation escalated into wildcat strikes, walkouts, and significant mass public support for the actions of labor unions, community groups, and students in opposition to the government.

Very little has been written on the attempted general strike from the perspective of those in British Columbia, and even less from those who were actually involved in the actions that took place around May Day of 2004. The lack of critical theory and analysis of what happened is unacceptable in light of the current situation, and the challenges faced not just by working people throughout the province, but also across the country. Without a thorough understanding of how the general strike movement operated, and how it failed, the labor movement in British Columbia will be sentenced to continual failure and decline.

Unfinished Business #3

The fall 2005 issue of the Northwest Anarchist Federation's periodical is ready for download and distribution.

A journal Class Strugle tactics and theory

Download Now!