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Category: Refugee Rights 2005-01-02 1:59 PM +0800

Refugee Family Forcibly Deported - Bakhtiyaris Sent To Pakistan

by Perth Independent Media Collective
deported At 1am on Thursday 30th December the Bakhtiyari Family were bundled into cars and driven to the airport at Port Augusta to catch a chartered flight on the first leg of deportation to Pakistan. [update: Bakhtiyaris deported after long fight - abc ]

[ Bakhtiyari Family Background - Safecom ]

Earlier, up to 20 guards had reportedly forcibly removed Mr Bakhtiyari from the Baxter detention centre, his home of more than two years. Mrs Bakhtiyari and her children were whisked from their home after a dawn raid of their Adelaide villa and taken to guarded accommodation in Port Augusta. Refugee groups say the family's lives are in danger if they return to Pakistan. Despite evidence to the contrary, DIMIA has refused to reopen the Bakhtiyaris' case, saying they are not refugees but Pakistani nationals and so should voluntarily leave Australia or face deportation.

Amanda Vanstone had the power to grant this family a temporary visa on compassionate grounds. She, and her Government, chose instead, at Christmas time when christians are supposed to act with compassion, to deport them in the middle of the night to Pakistan to face an uncertain and potentially dangerous future...

[Deported in the Dead of Night...] :: [ Story in the Age ] :: [Full Story]

[ Extensive Report by Project Safecom - "Bakhtiari family taken: Deported to danger"]

[Discuss on Perth Indy]


Category: Tsunami 2004-12-30 11:23 PM +0800

Reports on Tsunami tragedy

by Reposted from Global Indymedia
On December 26 an underwater earthquake, later measured at 9.0 on the Moment Magnitude scale, occurred off the coast of Aceh on the island of Sumatra, in the Indonesian Archipelago. The resulting tsunamis have killed tens of thousands, with many more people missing, feared to be washed out to sea and drowned. The final death toll, taking into account missing persons, is likely to exceed 100,000 with up to two million people displaced and made homeless. (See Wikipedia article on Damages and casualties)

Much of the affected coastal regions in Indonesia (id) (Photos from Aceh), Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma) (UNICEF report), Sri Lanka (UNICE F report), India (UNICE F report), Maldives, and as far away as the coast of Africa, have poor communications and infrastructure which have hampered a full assessment of the disaster and immediate disaster relief.

According to UNICEF Child ren account for one third of tsunami dead. The UN Population fund warns that women and girls are especially vulnerable to the "second wave" of the disaster as millions of people face health risks due to contamination of drinking water, and devastation of health infrastructure.[ Read More ]

IMC Stories: Barcelona IMC (es) | Italy IMC report 1, 2 (it) , Audio (it) , Jakarta IMC (id) , Aotearoa (en), Melbour ne IMC (en)

Links: Worl d Health Organisation | Relief Web latest News | Wikiped ia | Tsunami News Updates

[ Discussion on Perths Newswire | Jakarta Indymedia | Special feature (Indonesian) ]

Please donate to the Red cross.


Category: Xmass 2004-12-25 10:50 AM +0800

Merry Christmas you crazy rads!

by Perth Independent Media Collective
Detention kids

Merry Christmas from everyone at Perth Indy

We wish you happiness and liberty, but this Christmas, spare a thought for those inside who have neither.

Today its turkey, and tomorrow the streets!

[ Baxter watch | Project Safecom | Baxter 05 (work in process) |Save the tuarts | Oceania Indymedia | Global Indymedia ] Remember folks. A ten minute walk Before that roast dinner will do a world of good. Enjoy.
Ed Note. We've changed the photo. After a discussion with one of the Refugee Rights guys, we've decided its in the best interest of the child in question to not display the photo. Moving as it is, the childs privacy is paramount.


Category: Nukes 2004-12-19 7:17 PM +0800

Australia's Secret Nuclear Ambitions Revealed

by KimK
ImageOn November 26th, 2004 Greenpeace Australian released a report "Secret's Lies and Uranium Enrichment" revealing a 30 year secret nuclear research project at Lucas Heights, Australia's only nuclear reactor, in Sydney. [report here]

The Silex laser uranium enrichment project had varying levels of US monetary support over the protected by US-Australia bilateral agreement that hid the project as 'protected data'. Successive Australian governments have supported the nuclear enrichment research. Despite being privatised in recent years the Silex project continues to occupy taxpayer-funded public space and use the resources at Lucas Heights. It has violated the rights of local citizens to know of the danger they are living in the vicinity of.

The laser uranium enrichment project has been described by UK physicist Dr Frank Barnaby as a "considerable risk" to nuclear proliferation, being a cheaper process using smaller facilities to create weapons grade uranium.

"The risk of terrorists getting primitive nuclear explosives is real and I think it's only a matter of time before they do because it is relatively simple in this day and age to find out how to and to actually produce a primitive nuclear weapon," Dr Frank Barnaby told ABCTV's 7:30 Report on December 10th.

Lucas Heights security was breached by 46 anti-nuclear activists in 2002 indicating that advanced nuclear material in Australia is not being held securely. Many sites exist where nuclear material sufficient for terrorists to make weapons such as 'dirty bombs' are being kept in relatively insecure circumstances such as at Steritech nuclear irradiation plants that use Cobalt-60. [Anti-nuke map of Australia] Alleged terrorist Willie Brigitte was alleged to have been planning to blow up Lucas Heights reactor. [article here]

Australia's hidden nuclear enrichment project indicates the close ties our government has with the US on nuclear issues, ties that perhaps led them to recommend Foreign Minster Alexander Downer as new head to the International Atomic Energy Agency. It also makes a mockery of Australia's push to censure Iran for nuclear proliferation that we have been doing in secret. [article here]

Victor Sobral from Community Radio 4ZzZ102.1fm in Brisbane talked to Greenpeace nuclear campaigner James Courtney about the revelations. [interview here]

[ Perth Indy: Nuclear Purpose for Australian Railway? ]

[ Discuss this story ]


Category: Refugee Rights 2004-12-12 10:51 PM +0800

Crisis in Detention: Baxter Iranians start second week of hungerstrike

by via Procect SafeCom
From the newswire...
Via Project Safecom: The hunger strike at the Baxter detention centre has entered its second week, and as the Iranians slowly loose their mind and their physical strength. Refugee Rights advocates state that the reasons for this hunger strike point to Immigration Minister, the Howard government and its "deals" with the Iranian Mullahs. They say "the Howard government is trying to forget its obligations under the UN Refugee Convention..."

Jack Smit of Project Safecom says that "All Iranians currently in detention have a well-founded fear of persecution if they're returned to Iran. Consequently, none of the Iranians should be returned to Iran. All cases of the Iranians in detention should be re-opened as a matter of the greatest urgency."

Baxter Vigil Report by a participant: "The first Iranian man went up on to the gym roof on Sunday night - two others joined him on Tuesday. On Tuesday night the three of them endured some of the fiercest storms known to this region. Storms have been a problem ever since..." Today (10/12) we held a "prayer vigil" outside the centre. The vigil attracted approximately sixty people in total during the day. Everybody thought this was great given the remote location and short notice. We are hoping to continue with the vigils over the next few days."

Statement from a Baxter detainee - 11 December 2004: "Let us die or give us freedom" - is what I hear constantly from The Iranian people at Baxter. I have been here about three weeks and all I see is people suffering from "the DIMIA's blondes". By what I have seen in this short time, is Iranian people are getting lied to time after time."

And the people are getting frustrated and desperate. There is incident after incident here nearly every day; detainees go on hunger strikes. I have been told from the Iranian people that they would rather die than live in here for much longer. These are desperate people just wanting happiness which to them is freedom, which isn't much to ask for, all people deserve freedom... they are now victims of DIMIA policies. By what I have experienced my self and heard from the Iranian people, DIMIA is NOT dealing with their cases properly, because there is a language and culture barrier...

"Global Solutions Limited and DIMIA don't like to let the community and some government department know what is actually happen here. I have never in my life seen so much desperation and loss of hope than in Iranian people that I have met in my short stay here. "Freedom or let us die" will ring in my ears for a long time after I leave here..."

lips_stitched As reported in the Sunday Age [12/12/04] " Inside Baxter another 22 detainees have been on a hunger strike for close to a week, and five have stitched their lips as the protest spreads through the group of 66 Iranians being held in long-term detention..."
Jane Keogh in Canberra says: "These men cannot sleep without their medication and they are nervy and cannot be still. It is like GSL are trying to upset everyone and create trouble. You can see it on the faces of the guards - they are getting ready to take the men off the roof and everyone is on edge wondering when it will happen. Most of the men have been here for about four years now and their patience has run out. They are desperate and cannot take any more. Little things set them off, like last week reading in the newspaper about the short sentence given in Australia for someone who deliberately murdered someone and got nine years in gaol. Yet we get indefinite years just for asking for asylum from persecution. The sense of injustice in us is strong. We are every day degraded and humiliated by being locked up and treated like criminals and in the end we will all crumble."

See Newswire...

[Other Story on Baxter Situation] : [Sri Lankan Hunger Strike] [ Baxter Iranians start second week of hungerstrike - Project SAFECOM ]


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Nonviolence Skillshare for Trainers
A four day train-the-trainer skillshare for new, experienced and aspiring nonviolence and social action trainers from around Australia, who want to take their work to a new level of creativity and effectiveness. More info: Presented by Pt'chang and the Nonviolence Training Project.
info [at!]
2005-02-11 10:00:00
Nonviolence Skillshare for Trainers
A four day train-the-trainer skillshare for new, experienced and aspiring nonviolence and social action trainers from around Australia, who want to take their work to a new level of creativity and effectiveness. More info: Presented by Pt'chang and the Nonviolence Training Project.
info [at!]
2005-02-12 09:00:00
Nonviolence Skillshare for Trainers
Details above
info [at!]
2005-02-13 09:00:00
Nonviolence Skillshare for Trainers
Details above
info [at!]
2005-02-14 09:00:00
United Kingdom G8 Protest
You are invited to join a Festive Protest against the United Kingdom G8 Summit Venue; United Kingdom, Gleneagles in Perthshire, Scotland (around 40 miles north-west of Edinburgh). Info; Bring Friends; Food and Drinks (and a Tent) Dress Code; Party Hats and Mask. SPREAD THE WORD - It's an Open Invite.
2005-07-06 08:00:00
Oceania Indymedia Features Newswire
Workers Resistance
Refugee Rights
Family deported to an uncertain future
East Timor - neocolonialism
Grassroots Anarchist Activism
Disaster in South Asia
Natural disaster
The recent earthquake and massive tsunamis that have swept through South and South East Asia has killed thousands and left many more homeless. Countries that are particularly affected are Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. NGOs around the world are preparing for a huge effort to help the people of these areas to recover and to prevent the situation from dramatically worsening through the spread of diseases in particular malaria, and diarrhoea. One of the closest areas to the epicentre of the earthquake was war-torn Indonesian province Aceh in Northern Sumatra. The estimated death toll is rising rapidly and is currently believed to be at 5,000. Buildings including a major hotel the Kuala Tripa Hotel have collapsed. Roads and bridges have similarly been damaged. The Acheh Support Group commented, "The massive damage caused by these natural disasters is very likely to be unnecessarily compounded by the Indonesian government's banning of media and humanitarian organisations in Acheh. These bans are in place to hide the state's systematic abuse of the Achehnese people since the latest all-out offensive began in 2003."
Natural Disaster
tit for tat
Happy Revolutionary's Birthday
Solidarity with Iranian asylum seekers
Stop forced deportations
Illegal Deportation
Global Temperature Hotting Up
Refugee activists
Despite years of lobbying from animal welfare organisations Agriculture Minister Jim Sutton released codes of welfare for pigs and layer hens today that continue to allow intensive farming. The new pig codes will still allow use of sow stalls and farrowing crates, crates so small sows can?t turn around. The layer hen codes still allow the use of battery cages, with slightly bigger cages being phased in from 2008. At just 10 centimetres bigger activists say the size difference is barely perceptible - the hens will still be unable to stretch their wings, experience sunlight and dust bathe. They will still live out their lives in sloping wire cages where their feathers rub off and suffer foot deformities and broken bones. [ Bite Back | Campaign Against Factory Farming | Auckland Animal Action ]
ceasefire 2004
CPP declares 10-day unilateral ceasefire
Global Warming
Military madness
Human Rights
The Oceania Indymedia Newsreal compiles short, critical documentaries focussing on social and environmental issues in the Asia-Pacific region. Bringing together stories from independent producers and community media collectives the Oceania ewsreal is distributed on VCD and online via the website. The second edition includes pieces on the 2002 Woomera breakout, a critical look at the anniversary of East Timor's independence, the State of Emergency conference and action in Melbourne, corporate media ownership in New Zealand, forest destruction and protest in Tasmania and videos produced by workers organising in the factories of Jakarta. Video Online : v2v | NGVision | Demand Media | Portland Indymedia
Latin America Underground Film Fest
From the Newswire
gensan bombing
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Holiday Anti-War Protests
Man In Black Marches Ahead Of First Night Parade With A Sign
Critical Mass: We Win!
Protests This Week to Draw Attention to Electile Dysfunction
Long, Hard Voting Season to Culminate in Verifygra Rally
Family deported to an uncertain future
San Franciscans to Protest Electile Dysfunction
CU Citizens for Peace and Justice Sees First Victory in New Year.
Sami in Palestine: Talluza
People's Legislature Convenes January 4, 2005 at the Dane County Expo Center
A Family Farmer Wish List for 2005
Detroit labor activists call for people's unions
East Timor - neocolonialism
Global Warming Wrap-up for 2004
Mel & Floyd, December 31, 2004
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Critical Mass Radio Network Today - Year in Review


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Cruel inhuman punishments continue in Iran / Baxter: Iranian Hunger Strike Report
3 articles on the tragedy. (4)
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The new Australian fair go (1)
Adelaide dump closes (18)
Bakhtiyaris fly out in dead of night
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TRAITOR of the working class: AMWU National Sackretary DOUG CAMERON
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Invasion Day PROTEST is gonna be HUGE in Brisbane (26th Jan, 2005)
Merry Christmas from Bethlehem too
Maharishi Fattifatbastard's Guide to Zen
The Your Voice movement newsletter Vol.1 No.1 (Dec04) - the new Aboriginal Party (1)
Innocent Victorian man held in custody for Xmas? (5)
IMPORTANT Cockburn City Council Meeting on Port Coogee


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Indonesians mobilise for relief effort in Aceh while TNI keeps killing Achenese (1)
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Acehnese Left activists joining volunteer efforts need support (2)
Aotearoa Dissident Voice # 7 Out Now!
Goulburn Jail breaches UN standards


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Wireless World: The 'Orange Revolution'
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