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New German, Swiss, And Austrian Guidelines Recommend Trans Youth Care, Slam Cass Review

[Erin In The Morning]

While America is destroying the ability for trans people to participate in public life, over in Europe they're (rightly) improving care for trans people.

"In recent years, U.S. politicians have selectively framed European healthcare policies to justify restrictions on transgender care, seizing on a handful of conservative policies to claim that “Europe is pulling back.” The most extreme example, the United Kingdom’s Cass Review, has been wielded to justify a near-total ban on puberty blockers and even cited in U.S. Supreme Court arguments. But new medical guidelines from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland tell a different story. These countries have reaffirmed the importance of gender-affirming care for transgender youth and issued sharp critiques of the Cass Review, calling out its severe methodological flaws and misrepresentations."

They contain this specific recommendation:

“If, in individual cases, the progressive pubertal maturation development creates a time pressure in which health damage would be expected due to longer waiting times to avert irreversible bodily changes (e.g. male voice change), access to child and adolescent psychiatric or psychotherapeutic clarification and medical treatment options should be granted as quickly as possible.”

Once again, a rejection of the Cass Review is good news here: the widely debunked study was essentially propaganda for anti-trans interests and didn't represent broader healthcare perspectives.

But the bigger good news is that Europe is a safer place for trans people to live and be supported. I hope, one day soon, America comes to its senses and puts itself on a more supportive path.


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Leader of student protests at Columbia facing deportation

[Jake Offenhartz, Cedar Attanasio and Philip Marcelo at The Associated Press]

This seems completely in line with the First Amendment's protections against restrictions on speech and assembly by the US government:

"President Donald Trump warned Monday that the arrest and possible deportation of a Palestinian activist who helped lead protests at Columbia University will be the first “of many to come” as his administration cracks down on campus demonstrations against Israel and the war in Gaza."

Protesting Israel's right-wing government is not in itself anti-semitic. And Mahmoud Khalil's status as a resident student rather than an American citizen does not make him any less subject to constitutional protections.

"Khalil, who was born in Syria to Palestinian parents and has an American citizen wife who is eight months pregnant, emerged as one of the most visible activists in the protests at Columbia.

[...] “The Department of Homeland Security’s lawless decision to arrest him solely because of his peaceful anti-genocide activism represents a blatant attack on the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech, immigration laws, and the very humanity of Palestinians,” said the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a national Muslim civil rights advocacy group."

This seems like the very opposite of what America is supposed to be (or at least purports itself to be). Hopefully applied pressure will work - for this particular person, and as a precedent for American civil rights into the future.


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How Terrorgram Collective Influencers Groomed a Killer

[A.C. Thompson, ProPublica and FRONTLINE, James Bandler, ProPublica, and Lukáš Diko, Investigative Center of Jan Kuciak]

A tragic story of a teenager recruited by a network of extremists, who ultimately murdered multiple people before taking his own life. It's also an example of why moderation and safety processes on social platforms are so important.

"And so in August 2019, Juraj Krajčík, then a soft-faced 16-year-old with a dense pile of brown hair, immersed himself in a loose collection of extremist chat groups and channels on the massive social media and messaging platform Telegram. This online community, which was dubbed Terrorgram, had a singular focus: inciting acts of white supremacist terrorism."

This is particularly relevant in a world where companies like X and Meta are cutting back on their safety teams and policies. It's not as easy as waving your hands and saying that it should be a matter for the courts; real lives are at stake. And at the same time, there is, of course, a real danger of falling into the trap of building a surveillance network.

The police at the time thought this was the work of a lone gunman rather than the international community of extremists it actually was. Uncovering this is also the kind of story that only investigative newsrooms can do really well:

"ProPublica and the PBS series FRONTLINE, along with the Slovakian newsroom Investigative Center of Jan Kuciak, pieced together the story behind Krajčík’s evolution from a troubled teenager to mass shooter. We identified his user name on Telegram, which allowed us to sift through tens of thousands of now-deleted Telegram posts that had not previously been linked to him."

Hopefully this work can help prevent this and similar networks from operating in the future. Likely a more holistic approach is needed, and if law enforcement, educators, and social workers are more aware of the potential risks and playbooks, hopefully they can be more sophisticated about prevention.


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The 2025 journalist’s digital security checklist

[Davis Erin Anderson and Dr. Martin Shelton at the Freedom of the Press Foundation]

These security tips are designed for journalists but are good ideas for everyone (and particularly activists or anyone working in a sensitive field):

"In tumultuous times, we believe in being prepared, not scared. Sound digital security practice often involves forming and relying on good habits. Building these reflexes now will help keep you better protected. This is why we’ve distilled advice our trainers have shared with thousands of journalists over the years into the actionable, concrete steps below."

The Freedom of the Press Foundation does great work, and this guide is no exception.


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Feedback loops

[Joe Woods]

This is good, actionable advice:

"As an engineering leader, you should be constantly working to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete one cycle of a feedback loop.

What do I mean by feedback loop? This is anything where you do work, and then you need to await a result in order to be able to do more work."

Some of these will be easier than others to obtain: for example, any engineering team can tune up their test suite without the permission of an outside party. What they might have more trouble with is getting an outside stakeholder to commit to just-in-time availability; I imagine that a weekly touch-base meeting might be the norm in many non-engineering-centric organizations. But they're all important, and all very concrete ways to both improve performance on an engineering team and improve the experience of working on one.


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Fediverse House

1 min read

If you're in Austin, visiting Fediverse House at 412 Congress Ave today and tomorrow is what you need to be doing.

You don’t need a SXSW ticket - just show up and meet some of the key people building and thinking about the most important thing happening on the web right now.

Unfortunately, I’m preparing for a team summit in New York this week, so I’m unable to attend. The good news for me (and you, if you’re also not able to make it there) is that I hear the conversations are going to make it to the Dot Social podcast. I can’t wait to hear them.

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World's first 'body in a box' biological computer uses human brain cells with silicon-based computing

[Kunal Khullar at Tom's Hardware]

Straight into my nightmares:

"Australian biotech company Cortical Labs has introduced what it claims to be "the world’s first code deployable biological computer," which combines human brain cells with traditional silicon-based computing. The system, known as CL1, was presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and is being explored for its potential applications in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning."

Oddly, while it theoretically is suited for certain kinds of novel computing tasks, it just screams and screams.


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Why Techdirt Is Now A Democracy Blog (Whether We Like It Or Not)

[Mike Masnick at Techdirt]

Mike Masnick on why tech journalism has a huge part to play in decoding current events right now:

"We’ve spent decades documenting how technology and entrepreneurship can either strengthen or undermine democratic institutions. We understand the dangers of concentrated power in the digital age. And we’ve watched in real-time as tech leaders who once championed innovation and openness now actively work to consolidate control and dismantle the very systems that enabled their success.

[...] What we’re witnessing isn’t just another political cycle or policy debate — it’s an organized effort to destroy the very systems that have made American innovation possible. Whether this is by design, or by incompetence, doesn’t much matter (though it’s likely a combination of both). Unlike typical policy fights where we can disagree on the details while working within the system, this attack aims to demolish the system itself."

I, for one, am grateful for the coverage in places like TechDirt and Wired (which has been killing it lately). I have to say I'm also proud of my journalist colleagues at ProPublica for going deep. I wish most of the rest of the press would take their lead.


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Trump’s USCIS wants to review all prospective citizens’ social media accounts

[Gaby Del Valle at The Verge]

This is dystopian:

"The Trump administration may soon demand the social media accounts of people applying for green cards, US citizenship, and asylum or refugee status. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) — the federal agency that oversees legal migration, proposed the new policy in the Federal Register this week — calling this information “necessary for a rigorous vetting and screening” of all people applying for “immigration-related benefits.”"

I'm truly interested to learn how this squares with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which constrains government's ability to restrict speech of anyone on US soil, including immigrants and visitors.

I agree with Beatriz Lopez, the executive director of Catalyze/Citizens, who said:

“Trump is turning online spaces into surveillance traps, where immigrants are forced to watch their every move and censor their speech or risk their futures in this country. Today it’s immigrants, tomorrow it’s U.S. citizens who dissent with Trump and his administration.”


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About my Tesla

3 min read

So, yes, hi, I have a Tesla. It’s a long range Model 3 which I bought in 2021.

After a career spent working on open source and mission-drive projects — right now I work for a non-profit newsroom; once upon a time I built a social networking platform for education — it might shock you to learn that I am not rich. I have never had a significant tech company equity package; I have never seen the benefit of a significant exit. I own my own home but needed to move far away from the Bay Area to do it. I’ve done okay and I’m grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had, but I am not very wealthy. It would be really meaningful for me to bolster my income by another $2K a month and I’ve been thinking a lot about how to do that lately.

The Tesla has put me in a bit of a weird situation. Even before Elon Musk threw three Hitler salutes on-stage, I couldn’t really afford to own it: the monthly cost is really high for a car that I maybe drive two to three times a week. But selling it is also hard: it’s depreciated really fast, and I’ll barely be able to pay off the loan I have on it. (A lease would have been a better deal.) It actually won’t be that easy for me to get a replacement car, even with a trade-in deal. I’d prefer to keep an electric car — they’re both better environmentally and just as a car to run and own — but we’ll see if that’s possible.

But I will sell it. Hopefully this month. I don’t want to even tacitly be associated with promoting that man or bolstering his wealth. Until then, I’ve become one of those people who has disclaimered his car, so anyone who sees it is under no impression that I am in favor of anything that’s happening in this country right now.

One sticker I don’t have: the one that says I bought this before Elon went crazy. There’s no such thing. The warning signs were always there; my car situation is a prime example of how ignoring these kinds of ethical red flags lead to real losses in the long run. I brought this on myself.

I know I’m not alone. Not everyone who owns one of these things is a wealthy Musk supporter. That doesn’t mean we should be absolved — we should have seen what we were getting into, and owning a Tesla does mean continuing to pay Musk, who is clearly a fascist, money through connectivity plans and so on — but it’s worth acknowledging that, for many people, it’s not a no-brainer to take this kind of financial hit.

Anyway, that’s the deal. I guess I’m posting this out of a sense of transparency, and a little bit out of a sense of exasperation at my own past purchasing decisions and the overwhelmingly bad present situation. Many of you will be judging me for this, and I both accept and deserve that. But here I am.

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How DOGE’s IRS Cuts Could Cost More Than DOGE Will Ever Save

[Andy Kroll at ProPublica]

Cutting the IRS has nothing to do with government efficiency:

"Unlike with other federal agencies, cutting the IRS means the government collects less money and finds fewer tax abuses. Economic studies have shown that for every dollar spent by the IRS, the agency returns between $5 and $12, depending on how much income the taxpayer declared. A 2024 report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that the IRS found savings of $13,000 for every additional hour spent auditing the tax returns of very wealthy taxpayers — a return on investment that “would leave Wall Street hedge fund managers drooling,” in the words of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy."

These cuts will particularly curtail audits of wealthy individuals: people who are more likely to be avoiding paying tax to begin with.

As the article points out:

"“When you hamstring the IRS,” Koskinen added. “it’s just a tax cut for tax cheats.”"

So let's not do that?


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Okay, You Try Thinking of a Better Way to Protest President Nyarlathotep’s Terror Telecast

[Andrew Paul at McSweeney's]

"I gotta be honest with you, though. I think the Outer God got the message loud and clear. Our tasteful combination of fashionably coordinated clothes, tiny paper fans with BAD! printed on them, and some of our sternest looks of disapproval to date really drove home the fact that we aren’t jazzed by all this cosmic cruelty. I can’t think of anything we could have done differently to inspire our petrified constituents to rise up and take a stand against Nyarlathotep’s unholy resummoning. Sure, the Dungeon Lich-at-Arms tossed that representative from Texas into a Torment Portal after they booed the President, but there’s no way that will play well to anyone beyond his most devout minions."

It's funny because it's true.


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Decentralizing the cloud: separating software from infrastructure

Ladders to the cloud

Much of the last decade or two of the tech industry has been dominated by the idea of the cloud: the simple, powerful idea that all of your applications and data can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Enterprise businesses around the world have decommissioned server rooms in favor of subscribing to services maintained by other people, reducing overheads of all kinds. Even companies that once built and operated vast datacenters now rely on cloud providers. At the same time, cloud services have helped individuals save money upfront (even if subscriptions often cost more in the long run) and have taken the need for installation and troubleshooting out of the picture. Overall, cloud services have saved lots of people huge amounts of time and money.

But this convenience comes with trade-offs, some of which have become more apparent over time.

  • You only ever rent: There’s no real ownership, and vendors can modify, discontinue, or increase prices at will.
  • Privacy concerns: Because your data and activity pass through the provider’s infrastructure, they can be easily monitored, tracked, or even resold.
  • Jurisdictional constraints: Your data often resides in the provider’s chosen region, subjecting it to local laws, which may not align with your needs.
  • Downtime and dependence: If your cloud provider goes down, so does your access — sometimes across multiple services.
  • Vendor lock-in: Moving away from a cloud provider can be complex and expensive, discouraging competition and user control.

These trade-offs become even riskier when your work involves sensitive information. When software and infrastructure are controlled by the same entity, it not only enables easy monitoring and resale of your data but also makes it a prime target for subpoenas. Courts can compel a cloud service provider to produce your data, often without your involvement.

If your work involves sensitive personal information, for example of patients or sources, that could put their privacy and safety at risk. That might be particularly problematic in a situation where, for example, you work on reproductive health issues, and your software is hosted in a jurisdiction that has abortion bans. This risk extends across professions: journalists protecting sources, lawyers safeguarding client data, and healthcare providers managing patient records all face heightened exposure when their software, data, and infrastructure are all controlled by the same party.

At the same time, moving away from the convenience of the cloud is not really an option for most organizations. To date, most have opted to pay for more expensive enterprise contracts, which promise greater data protections alongside features like stronger audit logs and SSO. These provide some legal protections, but still amount to little more than an enforced promise: the vendor physically can inspect your data in most cases, you’re just paying them extra so that they’ll promise not to. These contracts also don’t address jurisdictional issues: if the vendor is based in Texas, your use of their platform is still subject to Texan law. The power dynamics at play remain unaddressed.

This is also problematic when you consider the increasing popularity of LLMs. If you’re dealing with sensitive or proprietary information, you probably don’t want an AI model to be trained on your data. You can pay vendors like OpenAI to promise that they won’t look at your data or train their models on it — but, again, you need to take their word for it.

If we want to retain the benefits of cloud software without its fundamental risks, we need a different model: one that restores control to users and organizations rather than vendors.

  • Retain the ease of deployment, access, and collaboration that makes cloud software so appealing.
  • De-couple software and infrastructure so that the company making the software is not the company that hosts the software.
  • Allow customers to pick an infrastructure host in the jurisdiction of their choice.
  • Ensure that data is encrypted at rest and in transit, so that even the hosting provider cannot access it.

Self-hosted cloud software is, of course, absolutely a thing that already exists. Some of it is even end-to-end encrypted. But it’s also largely free and open source, and requires a fair amount of configuration and maintenance from an organization’s IT department. There’s nothing wrong with open source software (I ran two open source startups!), but the complexity of configuration and lack of clear business model can introduce problems for both the customer and the vendor. Vendors like Cloudron are making this easier for open source software — and they should serve as a model for what could come next.

Some cloud infrastructure providers, like AWS, already host marketplaces of software you can install. The trick is, you usually have to decide which kinds of virtual servers to use — are you going to go for an m3.medium or a t2.xlarge? — and then consider how your private cloud will be configured. AWS also offers self-hosting for LLM models through Amazon Bedrock, but the same problems present themselves. There’s a lot of technical overhead which many organizations can’t easily address — and in stark contrast to a cloud offering like Google Workspace, which is completely turn-key.

But this doesn’t have to be the case. What if we could combine the ease of cloud-based software with the control and flexibility of locally managed applications?

Consider an iPhone: here, your software runs on your device, wherever it might be, but is seamlessly downloaded from an App Store on demand. Some of that software is free; some of it is paid-for, either as a one-off or on a subscription basis. The underlying operating system is a variant of the FreeBSD UNIX system with significant proprietary additions, including some sophisticated sandboxing, but you wouldn’t know it, and you certainly don’t need to configure anything: you request an app, and zip!, there it is on your phone.

Consider this user journey:

  • The customer signs up to a certified provider in the jurisdiction of their choice. There are providers tailored for different levels of customer and different industries.
  • They add their payment information.
  • They choose the software they want to provide to their organization from an App Store accessed through the provider. As soon as they install it, it is near-instantly available to them.
  • They can make it available to every user in their organization or a subset of users.
  • For every user for whom it is available, the app shows up on a web-based dashboard. It can also be configured to automatically show up in providers like Okta.
  • They never have to care about the speed or capacity of the underlying hardware: they just pay for a recurring license to the software.
  • They never have to care about configuring or upgrading the software: as soon as they select it, it’s available. Customers can opt for updates to be pushed out automatically, or they can hold back non-security updates for more testing.

The App Store distributes revenue to the vendor and the hosting provider, and takes a cut for itself. Apps are charged for on a predictable, monthly, per-seat basis, with each app able to set its own prices. As is the case with a phone App Store, the store itself does some vetting of each application, certifying it for security and a set of core rules that each app must abide by. Unlike a phone App Store, it also does vetting and certification of the hosting provider itself, reducing the customer’s need to undertake security auditing.

Because every hosting provider associated with an App Store would necessarily need to adhere to the same open standards, the customer could move providers easily. They’d just sign up to another hosting provider associated with the App Store and migrate their apps. The App Store itself would handle the rest, dealing with migrating block storage, databases, and so on behind the scenes.

This model isn’t just about redistributing power from giant cloud vendors to customers. It’s about enabling organizations that deal with sensitive data to more easily use the cloud to begin with. It makes it easier to know that there is an enforced separation between an LLM and its training infrastructure. And it creates new opportunities for vendors that might not be in a position to offer their own cloud infrastructure, too. It lowers the barrier to both privacy and innovation for everyone involved.

Existing cloud providers aren’t incentivized to build this. It’ll take a new entrant or someone willing to make a big bet. The technology to do this already exists. The only question is: who will build it first?

If it’s you, I’d love to hear from you.

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Minimum Viable Startup Operations

[Jean Hsu and Jen Dennard]

This is a good inaugural post from two people who really have lived the startup operations life many times over:

"We think of the operations part of a startup like getting dinner on the table. Sure, some days, you might try a new and involved recipe, but most days, you just need to get something good enough on the table FAST, so that you can devote more time to other family and life priorities.

This is where the concept of minimum viable operations comes in. It’s about finding the right balance: creating systems and practices that are just enough to support the team."

I've seen both the "minimum, but not viable" and "overdoing it" versions of this. Stuff like creating a whole new leveling system for a five person team, or spending months getting to the perfect OKRs, are easy traps for people who don't know the pitfalls to fall into.

And at the same time, winging it with no process and no goals is unbelievably common too. Every startup needs to consider process / people / ops - and most of all, culture - if it wants to succees. These things aren't optional.

I'm excited for future posts.


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Please see Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat

1 min read

It’s Oscars day! I haven’t seen very many of the nominees this year, but of the ones I have, I need to make this recommendation:

Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat, nominated for best documentary picture, is brilliant. It’s an under-told part of American history, still highly relevant and ongoing today, told through the lens of its surprising intersection with the jazz musicians of the time. One of those films that I think everyone should see in order to educate themselves. It doesn’t make for a cheerful evening, but it’s all wonderfully done.

It’s available to rent on streaming services right now, and is worth it. If you don’t want to pay to rent, it will hopefully be a part of someone’s streaming library later on.

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Warp factor 5, Mr. Sulu


Another really great update from the Ghost team about their progress implementing ActivityPub:

"In our logs, that looks like our average request time dropping from 5+ seconds, to ~50ms:

[...] There are still a few places where we're using the old database architecture that remain slow. We're not out of the woods just yet. Within the next couple of weeks, though, the beta will be open to everyone on Ghost Pro to try out.

[...] Importantly, Ghost's ActivityPub service is already out in the wild, open source, and released under the MIT license. We build in public, and all our work is up on GitHub for anyone to download, fork, run or deploy if they want to."

Exactly the right approach, and so exciting to see. Onwards!


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The web was always about redistribution of power. Let's bring that back.

This is for everyone: a message about the web at the 2012 Olympics.

I’ve seen a lot of this sentiment lately, and can relate:

I miss being excited by technology. I wish I could see a way out of the endless hype cycles that continue to elicit little more than cynicism from me. The version of technology that we’re mostly being sold today has almost nothing to do with improving lives, but instead stuffing the pockets of those who already need for nothing. It’s not making us smarter. It’s not helping heal a damaged planet. It’s not making us happier or more generous towards each other. And it’s entrenched in everything — meaning a momentous challenge to re-wire or meticulously disconnect.

Many of us got excited about technology because of the web, and are discovering, latterly, that it was always the web itself — rather than technology as a whole — that we were excited about. The web is a movement: more than a set of protocols, languages, and software, it was always about bringing about a social and cultural shift that removed traditional gatekeepers to publishing and being heard.

It’s perhaps hard to remember now, but in the early nineties, finding an audience really meant being discovered and highlighted by a small number of very rich publishing companies (or record labels, etc) who were most often not representative of their audiences. The web was a revolution: anyone could publish their words, their music, or their art, without asking anyone for permission, and they could find their communities equally permissionlessly.

The web, of course, didn’t turn out to be quite as utopian as the promise. The truth is, the people who could afford to publish on the early web were also from a narrow, relatively wealthy demographic. To make publishing accessible to most people (who didn’t, quite reasonably, want to learn HTML or pay for or configure a domain name and hosting), we needed a set of easy-to-use publishing platforms, which in turn became centralized single points of failure and took the place of the old gatekeepers. Replacing publishers with Facebook wasn’t the original intention, but that’s what happened. And in the process, the power dynamics completely shifted.

The original web was inherently about redistribution of power from a small number of gatekeepers to a large number of individuals, even if it never quite lived up to that promise. But the next iteration of the web was about concentrating power in a small set of gatekeepers whose near-unlimited growth potential tended towards monopoly. There were always movements that bucked this trend — blogging and the indie web never really went away — but they were no longer the mainstream force on the internet. And over time, the centralized platforms disempowered their users by monopolizing more and more slices of everyday life that used to be free. The open, unlimited nature of the web that was originally used to distribute equity was now being used to suck it up and concentrate it in a handful of increasingly-wealthy people.

For the people who were attracted to the near-unlimited wealth hoarding and rent-seeking potential, this new web was incredibly exciting. Conversely, for those of us who were attracted by the power redistribution more than the technology itself, it was incredibly disheartening. The reason we got involved in the first place had all but evaporated.

For a while, decentralization did become a hot topic. Unfortunately, this was more about avoiding the trappings of traditional banking — crucially, including avoiding regulatory controls — than it was about distributing power. The actual equity redistribution was mostly an illusion; although there certainly were people with their hearts in the right place in the movement, the people who truly gained from blockchain and cryptocurrencies were libertarian grifters who saw potential in moving money away from the prying eyes of regulatory oversight and saw banking regulations designed to protect people as being unnecessarily restrictive. Blockchain wore the clothes of power redistribution, but rather than empowering a large number of people, it enriched very few, often at other people’s expense.

I do think the brief popularity of blockchain helped bring attention to decentralization, which was useful. I don’t know that as much attention would have been paid to the new crop of decentralized social networks like Mastodon and BlueSky, for example, had Web3 not previously seeded some of the core ideas in a more mainstream consciousness. The web3 community was also the most successful at, for example, embedding identity in the browser. It wasn’t valueless as a movement, but it fell far short of the hype.

Which brings us to AI, the current hotness. Like any software technology, it’s being sold to us as an empowering tool. But the broad perception is that it’s anything but: models are trained, unpaid, on the work of artists, writers, and researchers, who are already relatively low-paid, in order to build value for a small handful of vendors who are making deals worth tens or hundreds of billions of dollars. Or as one commenter put it:

The underlying purpose of AI is to allow wealth to access skill while removing from skill the ability to access wealth.

If you think this is hyperbole, consider Marc Benioff’s comments about not hiring any more software engineers in 2025:

“We’re not adding any more software engineers next year because we have increased the productivity this year with Agentforce and with other AI technology that we’re using for engineering teams by more than 30% – to the point where our engineering velocity is incredible. I can’t believe what we’re achieving in engineering.”

Whether you care about software engineering jobs or not, the same dynamics are underway for writers, artists, and any other creative job. Even the productivity gains that are being realized through use of AI tools are benefiting a small number of wealthy companies rather than individuals. This is the exact opposite of the power redistribution that led to so many people seeing such promise in the web.

It’s very hard to get excited about technology that redistributes wealth and power in favor of people who already have it.

The trajectory of the web — starting as a tool for redistributing power and becoming one that entrenches it — was not inevitable. It was the result of specific choices: business models that prioritized monopolization, technologies designed for centralization, and a relentless focus on extracting value rather than creating it. If we want a different future, we have to make different choices.

What does an alternative look like? It starts with software designed for people rather than for capital. The web once thrived on protocols instead of platforms — email, RSS, blogs, personal websites — before closed networks turned users into data sources. We are now seeing efforts to return to that ethos. The Fediverse, open-source publishing tools, community-run platforms, and decentralized identity projects all point to a path where individuals have more control over their online lives. They aren’t perfect, but they represent a fundamental shift in intention: building systems that work for people instead of on them.

The first wave of the web was decentralized by default but only accessible to a small number of people. The second wave was more accessible but centralized by profit motives. If there is to be a third wave, it will have to be intentional: built with equity and accessibility as core values, not an afterthought. That’s a hard road, because open and ethical technology doesn’t attract billion-dollar investments the way extractive models do. But if history has shown anything, it’s that the web’s greatest strength is in the people who believe it can be better. The real question is not whether more equitable software is possible: it’s whether enough of us are willing to build it.

For many of us, the social movement, rather than the underlying technology, was always the point. We need that movement more than ever before. Hopefully building it is something that more of us can get excited about.


Photo: Tim Berners-Lee's tweet "This is for everyone" at the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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GSA eliminates 18F

[Natalie Alms at Nextgov/FCW]

I'd say this was an unbelievable own-goal. But, unfortunately, it's believable:

"The General Services Administration deleted 18F, a government tech consultancy that helps other agencies with their technology, early Saturday morning.

The office has been deemed “non-critical,” Thomas Shedd, director of GSA’s Technology Transformation Services, emailed staff at 1am. The agency’s acting head, Stephen Ehikian, told GSA staff Monday that the agency, which works across the government on tech, procurement and real estate, would be conducting a reduction in force."

18F has consistently saved other agencies money, and is seen as an example of modern government that other agencies (and governments) should learn from. It's an insane agency to dismantle.

But the way 18F worked - human-centered, in the open, with a real eye for inclusive change that saved real resources - is antithetical to Musk's mindset of believing yourself to be the smartest person in the room and forcing people to use your systems based on your own values.

Likely, Musk believes that these services should be provided by private companies (like his own) that could profit from it. It’s a backwards, profiteering, grifter-first approach to government services.

Of course, 18F is confronting to Musk in another way too: you can't be the smartest person in the room when those people are also in the room.

Yet another loss to hubris.


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Groups helping LGBTQ+ victims of violence could face loss of federal funds

[Mel Leonor Barclay and Jasmine Mithani at The 19th]

The impact of this will be severe:

"Organizations that provide services to LGBTQ+ victims of domestic and intimate partner violence expect much of the federal funding they rely on to dry up as the Trump administration’s executive orders target the work they have been carrying out for years.

[...] Groups that focus specifically on LGBTQ+ victims are part of a broader network of federally funded nonprofits that provide life-saving counseling, housing and legal aid to people experiencing violence from spouses, partners or family members. Some nonprofits also train social workers, therapists and lawyers in how to work sensitively with LGBTQ+ victims of violence."

Protecting vulnerable communities from harm is not on this administration's agenda. Instead, it seeks to pursue a restrictive, theocratic vision of society that punishes people who are already suffering. Hopefully other organizations will step up and provide some of the funding shortfall.


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Ex-Washington Post editor Marty Baron rebukes Bezos: ‘betrayal of free expression’

[Anna Betts in The Guardian]

He's not wrong:

"Marty Baron, a highly regarded former editor of the Washington Post, has said that Jeff Bezos’s announcement that the newspaper’s opinion section would narrow its editorial focus was a “betrayal of the very idea of free expression” that had left him “appalled”."

"Democracy dies in darkness" indeed:

"“If you’re trying to advance the cause of democracy, then you allow for public debate, which is what democracy is all about,” Baron said, adding that Bezos is sending a message that is “anything but democratic”."

Clearly Bezos's move to only host opinion pieces that further "free markets and individual liberties" is an attempt to curtail pieces that might be critical of Trump - and avoid reprisals for his own businesses. Baron is right to call him out on it.


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Mozilla’s New Terms of Service and Updated Privacy Policy

[Bill Fitzgerald]

What a missed opportunity. As Bill Fitzgerald points out:

"Mozilla has given a masterclass, yet again, in how to erode trust among people who have loved your work."

Mozilla rolled out a new terms of service and privacy policy that rolled back a key promise never to sell user data. And then complained that people were making a big deal of it.

As Bill points out:

"Data brokers and adtech companies are weeds choking the internet. The data theft required to train large language models is a new, more noxious species of the same weed. Mozilla is going deep into AI and adtech, which means they are buying fertilizer for the weeds – and these changes to their terms, which provide Mozilla more rights to the data defining our online interactions and experience, should be understood in this context: Mozilla is building advertising and AI tools, and they need data to do this. Our web browser is right up there with our phone, car, and router with devices that provide a clear view on how we live."

Mozilla always had the potential to demonstrate what a tech company could be, and what the web could be, and it's always found new and interesting ways to fall short of that ideal. This is yet another one.


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The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences

[Edwin Wong and Andrew Melnizek at The Verge]

This is much-needed research:

"The Verge partnered with Vox Media’s Insights and Research team, along with Two Cents Insights, to better understand how American consumers are embracing this shift. The goal of the work was to redefine what online communities will be in a post-social media era of emerging AI and Google Zero. And as brands look to hold onto the internet of the past, the term “community” will become a loaded word, with brands and platforms trying to use it more often to reach their ideal consumer."

And the findings are both obvious and highly actionable:

"Our research makes one thing clear: power is shifting back to the consumer (the fediverse signals this). Consumers crave community, but on their own terms — seeking deeper, more meaningful connections with those who truly matter (something we identified in 2014). Authenticity is at the heart of it all, supported by a foundation of safety and security. The future of community is personal, intentional, and built on trust."

Something that's maybe less obvious but still important: social media has often been the domain of editorial teams rather than product teams. There needs to be a strategic shift here: while actual messaging is editorial, the strategy of outreach and adoption for community platforms is a core part of product and needs to be treated that way. Community is a core part of any publication's product offering, and placing it on the editorial side disincentivizes innovation and real change.

Take this finding in particular:

"The desire for smaller, more intimate communities is undeniable. People are abandoning massive platforms in favor of tight-knit groups where trust and shared values flourish and content is at the core. The future of community building is in going back to the basics. Brands and platforms that can foster these personal, human-scale interactions are going to be the winners."

That's not something that an editorial team can provide on its own. It requires taking a step back and completely rethinking how you approach "audience" (that's the wrong word, for a start - community is two-way, whereas audience is one-way). That's not something I see many publishers grappling with.


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Washington Post opinion chief quits as Bezos makes new editorial demands

[Brad Reed at RawStory]

This is incredibly disappointing to see:

"David Shipley, who has spent the last two-and-a-half years running the Washington Post's editorial page, has stepped down from his position over new demands being made by Post owner Jeff Bezos.

In a letter sent out to staff members obtained by New York Times media reporter Ben Mullin, Bezos said that Shipley stepped down because he could not go along with Bezos's plan to ban editorials in his paper that were critical of "personal liberties and free markets," which he described as "two pillars" of American society."

It's a bizarre change for a few reasons:

  1. It's not like opinion columns in favor of "personal liberties and free markets" are in short supply in American media
  2. This is exactly the Wall Street Journal's positioning
  3. It's likely to further alienate the Post's flailing readership.

American media is already overwhelmingly conservative; another libertarian organ is hardly going to make a difference to American readers. Instead, this likely has more to do with Bezos wanting to win contracts and favor with the current administration. Just like the bad old days.


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Facebook Boosts Viral Content as It Drops Fact-Checking

[Craig Silverman at ProPublica]

Let the attention dollars flow:

"Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg also said in January that the company was removing or dialing back automated systems that reduce the spread of false information. At the same time, Meta is revamping a program that has paid bonuses to creators for content based on views and engagement, potentially pouring accelerant on the kind of false posts it once policed. The new Facebook Content Monetization program is currently invite-only, but Meta plans to make it widely available this year."

This combination very obviously incentivizes bad actors to make the most viral content possible, whether it's truthful or not.

For example:

"“BREAKING — ICE is allegedly offering $750 per illegal immigrant that you turn in through their tip form,” read a post on a page called NO Filter Seeking Truth, adding, “Cash in folks.”"

That post is a hoax, and Facebook's existing fact checking had meant it had been demonetized. The page owner is quoted as being delighted that fact checking is ending. Thousands others like it doubtless agree.


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What Felt Impossible Became Possible

[Dan Sinker]

This story doesn't feel like it's going to end up inspiring, but bear with it:

"George Dale printed their names in his newspaper, part of his unrelenting, unceasing, and unflinching attack on the Muncie Klan.

[...] When he wrote an editorial accusing circuit court judge Clarence Dearth of being a Klansman and stacking his juries with Klansmen, that judge sent Dale twice to perform hard labor on a penal farm. He later fled to Ohio to avoid arrest. When Dale got home, he picked up right where he left off and he and Judge Dearth fought a long and protracted defamation battle that left Dale broke."

But do stick with it, because not only is the entirety of George Dale and the story of what he did in Muncie, Indiana inspirational from start to finish, but the conclusion might be enough fire to power you through and inspire your own acts of democratic heroism.


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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0