🍕 Let’s go!! A few more days, and we’ll be eating pizza where pizza should be eaten!

#photography #monochrome #blackAndWhite

🇲🇦 A few years have passed since the last visit (2017!), but it still remains the place I visited more times.

This one was stuck at the bottom of my Lightroom library. Taken near Zagora.

A few more photos at moroccoBsides.

🍿 I don’t even know how to feel about this one right now. Loved it. Feels like I was punched in the gut. 

🐼 Bad, Bad Panda!

Emailed Flickr.

I asked them that, if we would also get the discount applied to our next bill.

Got an automated reply. Saying that us, Pro users, should get a reply within 4 hours.

The automated reply took longer than that. The automated one!! I have never waited more two minutes for an automated message before today!

They go on…

Due to a backlog of requests, please expect our responses to be delayed for 7–10 days. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Seven days. At best. A week! I have to wait a week to get a reply. Because I’m a Pro user! I wonder how long must the common riff raff wait, those poor souls!

They end with

The Flickr Team

Cheerfully! Cheerfully?? Shouldn’t it be something like “Jokingly”?

🍿 I do like them both a lot. Despite everything. 

#photography #monochrome #blackAndWhite

🇮🇹 Sempre più vicini… Ancora pochi giorni e partiamo!

🧡 Orange

✈️ First Time 

🧸 Saturdays

✈️ Snowy 

✈️ Starting a new series: flyingHigh.

Photos in airplanes. Photos of airplanes. Photos with airplanes. Pho… you get the picture. 

#photography #monochrome #blackAndWhite

#stickerSpotter #stickerArt #streetArt

🧠 Perplexity also handles the task with aplomb, but it takes a while for each photo. Mimi, where are you?? 

💸 Topping up OpenAI account with a handful of euros, need credits for the Alt Text creation shortcut.

🐟 Fishing for Alt Text! 

💡 One of my favourite folders in Feedbin is the one I created with the OPML file found at the bottom of defaults.rknight.me/.

I had to edit/trim a bit (mostly for languages I don’t speak), but kept most of the blogs on the feed reader.

A great roundup of small web, always something great to see/read.