You can give canals a brighter future with a gift in your Will

Will you help shape the blue and green future of canals?

Our canals are a wonderful 200 year-old, 2000 mile-long ribbon of precious blue and green spaces running past the doorsteps of over 8.8 million people.

Over hundreds of years, canals have been vital to our nation. And though their use and purpose is constantly evolving, their importance has never declined.

Our canals may be vital but their sheer age also makes then vulnerable. We need to make sure they have a future. By considering a gift in your Will you can help transform places and change lives.

It’s easy to leave a gift in your Will

Writing a Will is one of the best things you can do to make sure your wishes are respected, your loved ones are looked after, and the causes you care about most are recognised.

If you’ve spent your life on or by the water and want to share all the joys of canals with the next generation, a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to celebrate everything that they mean to you.

Spending time by the canal

We're here to help

If you have any questions at all, we'd be delighted to help. Thank you for considering supporting us with a gift in your Will.

Ask to speak to our legacy team on 0303 040 4040 or drop us an email at