
How do I know if my baby has sunburn?

If your baby has sunburn her skin will look red and feel hot to touch, even if you try to cool her down. If her sunburn is severe, her skin may blister and become swollen, and she may develop a fever.

Sunburn is caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. But remember, it doesn't always happen in hot weather – sunburn can also happen when sunlight reflects off snow.

What's the best way to treat my baby's sunburn?

There are some things you can try to ease your baby's sunburn and speed her recovery:
  • Your baby is probably dehydrated from being out in the sun, so make sure she drinks plenty of fluids (breast milk or formula is best if she's under six months old (NHS 2008)).
  • Soothe the sunburned area. Soak a cloth diaper, face cloth or burp cloth in cool water, wring it out, and gently place it on the sunburned area for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day (just make sure your baby doesn't get chilly). Or let your baby soak in a lukewarm bath (adding a teaspoon of baking soda to the water can make it more soothing.) Don't put ice or ice water on your baby's skin (CKS 2007).
  • Apply a water-based moisturizing lotion, aloe vera gel (available from health food stores or pharmacies) or calamine lotion to relieve itching, which can increase when the burn starts to peel (NHS 2008).
  • Acetaminophen can help to ease the pain and bring down her fever if she has one.

Don't rub petroleum-based products, such as Vaseline, on your baby's burnt skin as they prevent heat and sweat from escaping and can worsen a burn. Also avoid first-aid sprays or ointments that contain benzocaine, which can cause irritation or an allergic reaction (Medline 2007).

Peeling usually begins three to 10 days after the sunburn. Don't be alarmed when it happens; peeling is a natural part of the healing process (NHS 2008). Just make sure your baby stays in the shade until her skin has healed and dress her in loose cotton clothing that won't irritate her sensitive skin.

Do I need to call the doctor about my baby's sunburn?

Sunburn can be more serious than it appears in babies, so give your doctor a call if you are at all concerned.

Contact your doctor if your baby's sunburn blisters within the first 24 hours after she's burned, as she may have a more serious second-degree burn. If your baby develops fluid-filled blisters, don't cover them or try to pop them. That can lead to infections. Instead, take your child to see your doctor who can examine them and, if necessary, put a dressing on them (CKS 2007).

Other signs of a serious sunburn include fever or extreme pain, and you should take your baby to the doctor if you note either. Severe cases of sunburn can lead to heat stroke. If your baby vomits or loses consciousness, get help right away.

Is skin damage from the sun worth worrying about?

Yes. Up to 80 per cent of your child's lifetime sun exposure will occur during her first 18 years. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin cancers of all kind. Some studies suggest that severe sunburn during childhood increases the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, later in life (Autier and Doré 1998; Oliveria et al 2006). Fair-haired, pale-skinned, freckled, and green- or blue-eyed children are most at risk for skin damage and cancer from sun exposure, but the sun's burning rays can also harm darker-skinned children (CKS 2008).

How can I prevent my baby from getting sunburn?

It's easy. Avoid exposing your baby to the sun and use sunscreen regularly. These two steps can prevent burns and reduce your baby's risk of certain skin cancers. And while it's far too early for your little one to worry about it, these precautions can also ward off wrinkles and other signs of premature aging later in life.

We all know you can't avoid the sun completely, but it is a good idea to keep your baby out of it between 11am and 4pm, when harmful UV rays are at their strongest. Otherwise, dress her in clothing that blocks the sun's rays, such as wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts. The Canadian Dermatology Association recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that's labelled UVA/UVB or broad spectrum. A good sunscreen will also carry the Canadian Dermatology Association logo.

For babies under six months old, don't use sunscreen. Instead, cover most of her up with a wide-brimmed hat and loose, cotton clothing, and keep her in the shade.


Autier, P and Doré, J-F. 1998. Influences of sun exposures during childhood and during adulthood on melanoma risk. In. J. Cancer. 77:533-537. [pdf file, accessed April 2009]

CDA 2011. Tips for Parents. Canadian Dermatology Association. [pdf file accessed June 2011]

CKS. 2008. Cancer of the skin. [Accessed April 2009]

CKS. 2007. Minor burns and scalds. [Accessed April 2009]

CPS 2009. Sun safety.Canadian Paediatric Society. [file accessed June 2011]

MedlinePlus. 2007. Medical Enclycolpedia: Sunburn. [Accessed April 2009]

NHS Choices. 2008. Sunburn. [Accessed April 2009]

Oliveria, SA, Saraiya M, Geller AC, et al. Sun exposure and risk of melanoma. 2006. Archives of Disease in Childhood .91:131-138. [Accessed April 2009]
Katie MacGuire
Katie MacGuire is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur. She created an extensive library of evidence-based maternal health articles for BabyCenter Canada.

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