课程: Microservices Foundations


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No ACID, only BASE

No ACID, only BASE

- Let me start by saying I have done distributed transactions professionally, and not only were they painful to get right, they were also extremely hard to manage. I do understand the desire, especially in a SOA model, to drive for distributed transactions. But this really should be considered a non-starter in a microservices architecture. Traditional systems aimed for transactions that were ACID compliant. ACID, or atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable, is the concept of making sure that you have data integrity across multiple tables in a traditional relational database. An atomic operation is one that has the properties of either succeeding completely or failing completely with no gray area in between. A consistent operation is one that guarantees all of the constraints or data model rules will be enforced. An isolated operation is one in which the visibility rules are well-defined such that no other transaction can read data that is not in the correct state. A durable operation…
