From the course: Microservices Foundations

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Microservices: Solver of problems but not the silver bullet

Microservices: Solver of problems but not the silver bullet

From the course: Microservices Foundations

Microservices: Solver of problems but not the silver bullet

- Every architecture decision that is made ultimately comes down to compromises. There is no single silver bullet that solves every use case you have, and even within a pattern, there are compromises that need to be made. As I previously alluded to, there are costs to pay for moving to microservices architecture, and I feel it is critical to discuss these some before we dig into the pattern. You and your organization must decide if the benefits you gain from moving to microservices is worth the cost you pay. No matter how hot this pattern is, if it isn't right for you, don't force it. One of the biggest costs you will pay, especially early in the process, is complexity. In a monolithic system, you have one or maybe a few components to manage those components may be large, but if your processes and procedures require a lot of gates in the software life cycle, microservices architectures will dramatically cost you time and money as you move from a few deployed artifacts to many. In…
