
Five ways to get your kids active

Young boy running in garden
Photo credit: Nathan Haniger for BabyCenter

Free-range children

It may be more convenient to push your child in a stroller, buckle him into a car seat, or plonk him in a shopping cart, but by immobilizing him you are, well, immobilizing him – a state that doesn't come naturally to a two to four year old. When you're not so pressed for time, let your child roam freely (with you shadowing him, of course). One of the best ways to make sure your child gets all the exercise he needs is to head outside.

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Youngsters climb, run and jump much more in the great outdoors than they do when stuck inside (where there are lots of reprimands for jumping on the sofa). So seek out some safe outdoor play places, bundle up your child if you have to, and bring along balls and a riding or push toy. Play catch or a game of chase with him, and you'll get some exercise too.

Shake, rattle, and roll

When getting outside seems impossible – it’s pouring rain, snowing, your baby is sick, your child is throwing a tantrum over getting dressed – grab a catchy CD and turn on the stereo. It needn't be a children’s music collection to get your youngster moving (we know preschoolers who are partial to the Jackson Five). Anything with a basic beat can do the trick. Get up and groove with your child, and you'll both blow off some steam.

Exercise together

You already know that what you say has an impact on how your child talks, and that what you eat affects your child's eating habits. Same goes for exercise: your child's future fitness level is greatly influenced by how you spend your spare time. So when you can, walk to the store, the library, or a friend's house rather than piling into the car. (Bring along a stroller if you suspect that your child will get tired; if he doesn't it's still handy for carrying shopping bags.) Or push him in a jogging stroller while you run, then take him out of it and walk together as part of your cool down.

At home, get him to join in while you do your yoga stretches or follow along with a dvd workout. And make sure some family outings are active ones (for instance, swimming at the local pool, soccer in the park, or flying a kite in a field) instead of sedentary ones, such as watching a film.

Bring on the buddies

There's nothing like having pals around to encourage your child to get physical. Invite his best friend over for some splash time in the wading pool. Teach the two of them how to roll down a gentle hillside. If you're part of a playgroup that meets weekly, make sure that at least some of the time the youngsters have the chance to run, wrestle and tumble – under an adult's watchful eye, of course. Or consider getting together at your local playground so the children can exercise their limbs while you and the other parents chat.

Check out a class

Even at this young age, your child can get a lot out of a regular swim, children’s gym, or music and movement class. Just don't overdo it. (His temperament, daily routine, and social needs should be your guide here. A child who is in daycare five days a week may find even one class too much, while a social butterfly who spends much of his time with you may thrive on a couple of scheduled activities a week.) The main focus, though, should be making fitness fun, not producing a future Olympian.

You don't want to pressure your child to excel at athletics at this tender age. Instead, look for instructors who are experienced in working with children and who encourage but don't push, equipment that is age appropriate and safe, and formats that favour free play over a strict routine. Class size can also be a concern: some youngsters get overwhelmed in situations with lots of noise and loads of little bodies bouncing off the walls. Before you commit, ask for a trial run to see if your preschooler enjoys the class.

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Created October 2008

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