


Highlights this week

Your baby may be able to hear your heartbeat and even your muffled voice by now!

Find out how pregnancy can rev up or kill your sex drive.

Keep safe from food poisoning with our guide to food safety.

Check out how your baby looks now in animated 3D.

Baby development at 15 weeks

Your baby is still small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. New this week - light sensitivity and a bad case of the hiccups, a precursor to breathing. You can't hear them because their system is filled with fluid rather than air but don't be surprised if you feel them later on. Read more information on your baby's development this week.

baby with legs now longer than arms
Your baby at 15 weeks
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Your baby is the size of an apple

apple illustration
head to toe
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How your life's changing

One of the most exciting moments of pregnancy is feeling the baby move. Most women notice quickening, as it's called, between 16 and 20 weeks. You may feel these first wiggles as a flutter in your tummy. Once you realise it's actually the baby turning somersaults, make a note to tell your midwife at your next visit. Some women feel the baby move later or less often than others so there's no need to worry if you haven't noticed your baby moving yet.

Amniocentesis isn't routine, but it's often recommended for women over 35 and those with a history of birth defects. It's usually carried out at around 15 to 18 weeks. Genetic counsellors, on hand when you have the procedure, can explain the full implications of these tests for chromosomal abnormalities.

Your immune system is slightly impaired when you're pregnant so you may have noticed that you've had more coughs and colds than you normally would. Although, they are annoying and tiring, these sniffles won't harm your baby. Other infections that you may come across while you are pregnant such as slapped cheek disease, chickenpox or rubella can cause problems for your unborn baby depending on the stage of pregnancy when you catch it. But chances are you've already had these infections in your own childhood or, in the case of German measles, been inoculated against it, so you will be immune anyway. Shingles won't harm your baby but you should avoid other pregnant women - find out why.

See other BabyCenter mums' baby bumps at 13 to 15 weeks of pregnancy.
baby in womb at 15 weeks
Your body at 15 weeks
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Pregnancy tip: take to the waters

"Our local swimming pool offers water aerobics for expectant mums as an alternative to swimming. This is a great way to add some variety to your workout." -- Holly

Things to consider

What it means if your blood group is Rhesus-negative.

Dreaming of a boy or girl? See what our gender prediction tool says you're having.

Keep your fluid levels up - how to avoid dehydration.

Think about doing some yoga stretches to keep you flexible throughout your pregnancy.

What is Calmbirth? Watch our video to find out if it's right for you.
Megan Rive is a communication, content strategy and project delivery specialist. She was Babycenter editor for six years.
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