
Solids by age: 12 to 18 months

Toddler feeding himself porridge from a spoon
Photo credit: Gianetti for BabyCenter

How will mealtimes change?

Your little one is now officially a toddler. So much has changed. She's on the move and into everything. Mealtimes will have changed too. Gentle spoon-feeding, purees and mashed banana seem distant memories.

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Your toddler may have become a fussy eater. If you can, try not to worry about this. She may refuse to eat food she loved last week. Or she may eat lots at one meal and consume practically nothing the next.

The change in her eating habits may be partially explained by the change in her growth patterns after her first birthday.

As a baby, your little one tripled her birth weight in the first year. In her second year, she'll gain only around 2.4kg. So her appetite will slow down considerably.

Your toddler is also busy exploring her world. Her growing independence and mobility mean she may not bother much with food.

Plus, her stomach still isn't big enough to eat large amounts of food at one sitting. Be prepared to serve small portions at mealtimes, plus nutritious snacks throughout the day. You should offer your toddler three main meals and two snacks each day.

Try not to worry when your toddler pushes food away. She will eat when she's hungry and take in enough for her needs.

Should my toddler feed herself?

Your toddler should be able to feed herself with her fingers and chew food well. She'll be interested in trying to feed herself with a spoon, though not all the food will end up in her mouth.

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If your toddler is very hungry, she may find that she can't feed herself as quickly or as easily as she would like. She may still need your help.

Your toddler can hold and drink from a cup, with some help from you at times. She can eat the same food as the rest of the family, as long as it doesn't have any salt added. Food should also be chopped into toddler-friendly pieces. Try to eat together as a family whenever you can.

What kind of foods should I give my toddler?

Help your toddler develop a taste for fresh, unprocessed food. Encourage her to try as many tastes as possible.

Do still try to keep fatty and sugary foods and drinks to a minimum. Keep crisps and sweets as an occasional treat, no more than once a week.

After your child is one, you can carry on breastfeeding if you both want to. Or you can start giving her whole or full-fat milk to drink, in a cup, not a bottle. Semi-skimmed milk is too low in calories for your toddler at this age.

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There's no need to give your toddler follow-on milk. She'll get all the nutrients she'll need from a varied diet.

Try to offer between 350ml and 500ml (two thirds of a pint to a pint) of milk daily. More than a pint of milk a day can prevent her from absorbing the iron in her food. Too much milk won't leave enough room in her tummy for other foods.

However, your toddler may not enjoy drinking milk. Try offering custards, cheese or cheese sauces, yoghurt, and fromage frais instead. About three servings of milk, cheese or yoghurt a day is enough.

How can I make food fun?

This is a great time to get creative with your toddler’s meals. Offer new fruits and vegetables alongside her favourite foods, so she gets more chances to enjoying a varied, nutritious diet.

You might pretend broccoli and cauliflower are trees on an island of mashed potato. Fish and meat can live on the island or maybe they are boats in a homemade gravy or sauce river.

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Try cutting out sandwiches with pastry cutters. Hearts, animals, and dinosaurs are all fun options.

Find out which foods your toddler can try from 18 to 24 months.

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Infant and toddler forum. 2006. How to manage simple faddy eating in toddlers. Toddler factsheet 2.2. For healthcare professional use. www.infantandtoddlerforum.orgOpens a new window [pdf file, accessed August 2012]

Infant and toddler forum. 2009. Growth and its measurement. Factsheet 3.1 for healthcare professional use. www.infantandtoddlerforum.orgOpens a new window [pdf file, accessed August 2012]

Infant and toddler forum. 2009. Making healthy food choices for toddlers. www.infantandtoddlerforum.orgOpens a new window [Accessed August 2012]

Infant and toddler forum. 2010. Healthy eating for toddlers. Toddler factsheet 1.1. For healthcare professional use. www.infantandtoddlerforum.orgOpens a new window [pdf file, accessed August 2012]

Sheridan M. 2008. From birth to five years: children's developmental progress. London: Routledge

Polly Logan-Banks
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.