Exercising safely in pregnancy

Pregnant woman doing stretches outside in her workout gear
Luciane Garbin for BabyCenter
Exercise is really important for you and your growing baby (NHS 2017). And exercise won't just benefit you now. Staying fit may also help you to cope with labour and birth when the time comes (Nascimento et al 2012, NHS 2017).

Sometimes people assume exercise isn’t safe when you’re pregnant, but this isn’t the case if you’re healthy and your pregnancy is going well.

You shouldn’t need to stop your favourite activities, as long as they don’t put you at risk of falling or injuring your baby. But you might need to adapt them as your bump grows (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017).

Which type of exercise is best in pregnancy?

It’s great to do a combination of both these types of exercise:

  • Aerobic (cardio) exercise which makes your heart beat a bit faster. Swimming, brisk walking and aquanatal classes are ideal (Nascimento et al 2012).
  • Muscle-strengthening exercises, such as yoga and pilates which can make your body stronger when you’re pregnant (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017). Make sure you tell your instructor you’re pregnant and that your instructor is qualified and experienced in teaching pregnant women.

Exercise doesn't have to be formal to count. Regularly walking to work, taking the stairs instead of the lift, and doing gardening and housework, all add up. Though do try to challenge yourself. If you’re already fairly fit, walk at a brisker pace if you can.

Try to be active on most days of the week, if not every day, for at least 30 minutes a day. Doctors advise 150 minutes of moderate physical activity spread out over the week (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017).
Best exercises for pregnancy
From yoga and Pilates to swimming and brisk walking, here are some of the best ways to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy, without harming your baby.More pregnancy videos
Find out how active you should be in pregnancy on Tommy’s website.

Which sports should I avoid in pregnancy?

It’s wise to stop playing contact sports such as kickboxing or judo or high collision sports like netball, squash, rugby or football. This is because you're more at risk of getting hit or bumped, which could injure your baby (NHS 2017).

You’ll want to weigh up carefully whether you carry on with activities where there’s a risk of falling, such as horseriding, downhill skiing, gymnastics and cycling (NHS 2017). That’s because falling may harm your baby. It’s definitely not a good time to take up these kinds of sports if you aren’t used to them.

You’re also more prone to injury when you’re pregnant. Hormonal changes mean your joints are looser to prepare your body for birth, so they’re less stable. As you get heavier, your centre of gravity changes too, which can affect your balance (ACOG 2015).

That doesn’t mean you can’t exercise, just that it pays to be a little more cautious and not push yourself too far.

What if I’m not used to exercising?

Pregnancy is a great time to kick-start a healthier lifestyle, which includes taking more exercise (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017, NICE 2017).

But it’s best to build up gradually, rather than suddenly throwing yourself into strenuous exercise (NHS 2017).

You could start with 10-minute sessions of continuous ‘moderate’ exercise through the week, and slowly increase them to the recommended 150 minutes a week. Moderate exercise means your heart beats faster, but you’re still able to have a conversation (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017).

If you’re not sure what’s right for you, ask your midwife or doctor for advice. If you haven't exercised much before now, they can give you tips for getting started.

What should I wear when exercising in pregnancy?

Wear layers of loose, light clothes that are easy to remove. Try not to overheat while you exercise, especially in the first trimester (ACOG 2015). Make sure your maternity bra is comfortable, supportive and fits well. You may find that a standard sports bra suits you better when you exercise.

Wear trainers that fit your feet properly to support your ligaments and tendons. If your shoe size has changed because of mild swelling, find a more comfortable pair.

Our top tips for exercising when you’re pregnant

Get in the habit
Build up your exercise gradually, especially if you’re not used to it. So start with 10-15 minutes of continuous exercise three times a week and slowly increase. That way, you'll get the most benefit from exercising, and you’ll protect yourself against injury.

Warm up before exercising
Warming up will get your muscles and joints ready for activity and help build your heart rate slowly (Nascimento et al 2012, NHS 2017). If you skip the warm-up, you may feel less comfortable during exercise.

Don’t stand still for too long
Standing still for long stretches can decrease the flow of blood to your womb, and cause blood to pool in your legs. This can make some pregnant women feel dizzy (ACOG 2015) or faint. It’s best to avoid certain yoga and dance positions that involve standing motionless (ACOG 2015). If you feel uncomfortable, change positions, or walk on the spot.

Don’t exercise lying flat on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy
When you lie flat, your growing baby presses on the main blood vessels in your body. This reduces the flow of blood to both you and your baby and can make you feel faint (UK Chief Medical Officers 2017). If you’re at an exercise class, ask the instructor to show you alternative positions after 16 weeks of pregnancy. You can often do similar exercises propped up on your elbows or lying on your side.

Take care with awkward positions
You may find that standing on one leg or moving your legs too far apart are uncomfortable when you’re pregnant. Women with pelvic girdle pain often find those movements painful, so it’s best to avoid them.

As your centre of gravity shifts during pregnancy, you become more prone to losing your balance. So take care when you shift positions. Getting up quickly can make you dizzy, and cause you to lose your footing and fall.

Drink lots of water
Have a drink of water before you begin exercising. Take a bottle of water with you when you exercise, and take frequent sips from it. This will help to regulate your temperature and prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

Be careful when it’s hot and humid outside. Weather like this makes you prone to overheating. So head for an air-conditioned work-out room or avoid strenuous exercise on hot days.

Cool down
Take the time to cool down properly after you exercise (Nascimento et al 2012). Walk on the spot for a few minutes, stretch and relax. This gives your heart a chance to return gradually to its normal rate.

I like to push myself when exercising. Is it safe?

Doctors say it’s best to stick to ‘moderate intensity’ exercise. That means your heart beats faster and you may get sweaty, but you can still talk. If you’re breathless, you’re pushing yourself too far (NHS 2017).

If you were very fit before your pregnancy, and you don’t have any complications, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to carry on with high-intensity exercise like running or aerobics (ACOG 2015). However, some women find that it gets uncomfortable, especially as their bump grows.

The research isn’t clear how far you can push yourself when pregnant. The best advice is to listen to your body and adapt your exercise. So you might jog instead of run or walk briskly instead of jog. Your aim is to maintain your fitness rather than to set new personal bests.

If the exercise gets uncomfortable, stop. Ask your midwife, doctor or physiotherapist for advice on alternatives.

Get started today with Tommy's easy pregnancy workout.


ACOG. 2015. Physical activity and Exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Committee Opinion. www.acog.org [Accessed Oct 2018]

Nascimento SL, Surita FG, Cecatti, JG. 2012. Physical exercise during pregnancy: a systematic review. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 24(6), 387-394.

NHS. 2017 Exercise in Pregnancy. NHS, Health A-Z. Your Pregnancy and Baby Guide. www.nhs.uk [Accessed Sept 2018]

NICE. 2017. Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies. www.nice.org.uk [accessed Sept 2018]

UK Chief Medical Officers. 2017Physical activity for pregnant women. Physical Activity and Pregnancy Study. Infographic and background guidance. www.rcog.org.uk [Accessed Sept 2018]
Joanne Lewsley
Joanne Lewsley is a freelance copywriter and editor, and specialises in creating evidence-based parenting, health and lifestyle web content.

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