
Numerology calculator

How to use the calculator
Destiny number: enter your full first name and surname.
Personality number: enter the consonants in your first name.
Soul number: enter the vowels in your first name and surname.

What can your name tell you about your personality, your life and your destiny? Plenty, according to numerologists!

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Numerology is an ancient belief system that gives a number to each letter of the alphabet. Each number has a different meaning.

The numbers associated with your name can be used to make predictions about your life.

Discover your three numerology numbers by entering your name and surname into our calculator in different ways:

Destiny number: enter your full first name and surname. For example, Janet Browning.

Personality number: enter just the consonants in your first name. Consonants are all the letters that aren't vowels. For example, Janet would be jnt.

Soul number: enter just the vowels in your first name and surname. Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o and u. For example, Janet Browning would be ae oi.

Don't worry if your name has unusual characters, such as hyphens or accents, these won't affect your result!
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