
Bottle-feeding basics

Mum feeding baby from a bottle
Photo credit: Anna Palma for BabyCenter
If you’re planning on formula feeding your newborn, you’ll have plenty to think about before feeding your baby formula for the first time. But, from finding the right baby formula temperature and how to heat formula, to how often to feed your baby formula and how to bottle feed when out and about, you’ll soon be a pro. Just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to make up a baby formula bottle and make sure that you and your baby are in a comfortable position. Newborn formula-fed babies need feeding little and often.

Preparation for feeding baby formula for the first time

It can be a little nerve-wracking making up your first baby formula bottle and feeding your newborn formula for the first time but you’ll soon get the hang of it – and so will your baby! Before making your baby's first feed, wash all the equipment you’re going to use, including bottles, teats, retaining rings, and caps. You can run them though the dishwasher or wash them by hand in clean, hot, soapy water, and then sterilise them (NHS 2019a).

You may have heard that running baby bottles through the dishwasher will sterilise them, but this isn’t true (NHS 2019a). You’ll need to sterilise afterwards to kill harmful germs (NHS 2019a). Run all the equipment through clean, cold running water before sterilising and check bottle teats to make sure they’re clean (NHS 2019a).

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It's also a good idea to wash and sterilise the manufacturer's scoop, which comes with the formula.

To sterilise your baby's feeding equipment, you’ll need an electric or microwave steam steriliser, or you can use cold water sterilising solution. You can also boil your feeding equipment in a covered pan for at least 10 minutes to sterilise them (NHS 2019a).

Making up a baby formula bottle

To make up a bottle of powdered formula, follow the instructions on the tin carefully. Here's what you'll need to do:

  • Boil at least 1 litre of fresh tap water and leave it to cool for no longer than half an hour.
  • Clean and disinfect the surfaces you are using, and make sure you wash your hands.
  • Pour the exact amount of water you need into your sterilised bottle. Always do this step first before adding the formula powder.
  • Add the right amount of formula to the bottle with the scoop provided, using a clean knife to level it off. Don’t be tempted to pack the scoop with formula.
  • Put on the teat and cap, and give the bottle a good shake until all the powder has dissolved.
  • Cool the formula by holding the bottle (with the cap on) under cold running water.
  • Test the temperature by tipping a little milk out of the teat on to the inside of your wrist. It should feel just warm or even cool, but not hot.
    (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2019b)

For more expert advice, our article on making up a bottle of formula has everything you need.

Best positions for formula fed babies

First, make sure you’re sitting comfortably. Position your baby so that they’re propped up a little, with their head supported. This will ensure your baby doesn’t swallow too much air while feeding (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2018). This position will also allow you to look into your baby’s eyes while they’re feeding, which will help you both to bond and enjoy the experience.

Tilt the bottle slightly so the end of the teat is always full of milk, not air. Your baby may feed in short bursts of sucking with a rest in between (NHS 2018). These breaks in feeding are normal, and give your baby time to feel if they’re full or not.

Watch our video to discover how bottle-feeding can help you bond with your baby.

How often to feed baby formula

Your baby’s appetite will vary from day to day and month to month, so try to let them set the pace. Your baby will feed as often as they need to, as long as you learn to spot their cues and respond to them.

If your baby is newborn, they will need to feed little and often, so offer a bottle every two hours or three hours (Crawley and Westland 2020). Let your little one feed for as long as they want to. If they’ve had enough of a bottle, don’t force them to drink more (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2018). As your baby grows, they will be able to manage larger feeds and have longer breaks between bottles (Crawley and Westland 2020).

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As a general rule of thumb, your baby needs between 150ml and 200ml of formula per kilogram of body weight every 24 hours (NHS 2019c). So, if your baby weighs 3kg, they’ll need between 450ml and 600ml of formula over a 24-hour period to satisfy their hunger.

Read more about how much formula your baby needs.

How to heat formula safely

If you need to warm a bottle of chilled expressed breastmilk or ready-made formula, you can place the bottle in a pan, jug, or bowl of warm water (NHS 2015). You can also buy an electric bottle warmer, which heats a bottle to the perfect temperature for your baby in just a few minutes.

It's best not to use a microwave to heat a bottle of breastmilk or formula. A microwave heats unevenly, so it can create hot spots that could burn your baby's mouth (NHS 2019b).

Cold bottles vs warm bottles and how to bottle feed out and about

It’s fine to give your baby a bottle that’s at room temperature, or even one that’s cold, as long as they’re happy with it! Some babies prefer cold bottles and it can be easier not to worry about warming a bottle if you’re feeding out and about. You might want to make a bottle to store in the fridge for later but it's best to make a fresh bottle of formula each time your baby needs a feed. Milk powder is not sterile, and bacteria may survive in milk even though you use sterile water to mix it (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2019b). Even if you store formula milk in the fridge, bacteria can build up over a few hours (Crawley and Westland 2020, NHS 2019b).

Having said that, there may be times when you need to make up a feed in advance. This may be the case if you have twins, or if you're out somewhere where there are lots of bacteria around or where it’s difficult to make up a feed. Ready-made cartons are a safe and sterile option, but they’re expensive, so you may not want to rely on them every time.

If you need to make up a feed in advance, it’s best to prepare just one feed for later use. You can do this as safely as possible by putting the feed in the fridge or a cool bag with an ice pack as soon as you've made it. Use it within 24 hours if it's been in the fridge, four hours if it's been stored in a cool bag with an ice pack, or two hours if it’s kept at room temperature (NHS 2019c).

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Get more advice on making and storing formula safely.
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Crawley. C, Westland S. 2020. Infant milks: A simple guide to infant formula, follow-on formula and other infant milks. First Steps Nutrition Trust. www.firststepsnutrition.orgOpens a new window [pdf file, accessed September 2020]

NHS 2015. Guide to bottle feeding. a new window [pdf file, accessed September 2020]

NHS 2018. Bottle feeding advice. www.nhs.ukOpens a new window [Accessed September 2020]

NHS 2019a. Sterilising baby bottles. www.nhs.ukOpens a new window [Accessed September 2020]

NHS 2019b. How to make up baby formula. www.nhs.ukOpens a new window [Accessed September 2020]

NHS 2019c. Formula milk: common questions. www.nhs.ukOpens a new window [Accessed September 2020]
Lorna Marsh
Lorna Marsh is senior editor at BabyCentre. She has more than 20 years’ journalism and editing experience, including working for the NHS.