
Baby milestones: seven to 12 months

Older baby crawling on beach
Photo credit: / RuslanDashinsky

Here’s what to expect from your baby at each stage from seven to 12 months. Keep in mind that all babies develop differently. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, ask your doctor or community health nurse for advice.

Seven months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

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  • Reaches for objects with a sweeping motion
  • Imitates speech sounds (babbles)

Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Combines syllables into word-like sounds
  • Begins to crawl or lunges forward
  • Picks up objects with one hand and passes to the other hand
  • Bangs objects together
  • Sits without support

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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  • Stands while holding onto something
  • Waves goodbye

Find out more about your baby at seven months.

Eight months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

  • Sits without support
  • Says "dada" and "mama" to both parents (isn't specific)
  • Begins to crawl
  • Passes objects from hand to hand
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Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Stands while holding on to something
  • Crawls well

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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  • Pulls self to standing position, cruises around furniture while holding on
  • Picks up objects with thumb-and-finger pincer grasp
  • Indicates wants with gestures

Find out more about your baby at eight months.

Nine months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

  • Combines syllables into word-like sounds
  • Pulls self to standing and sitting positions
  • Bangs, drops and throws objects
  • Tries to grasp spoon when being fed
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Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Uses pincer grasp to pick up objects
  • Cruises while holding on to furniture

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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Find out more about your baby at nine months.


10 months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

  • Picks up objects with pincer grasp
  • Crawls well
  • Cruises
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Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Says "dada" and "mama" to the right parent (is specific)
  • Points at distant objects
  • Responds to name and understands "no"
  • Indicates wants with gestures

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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  • Drinks from a cup
  • Stands alone for a couple of seconds
  • Puts objects into a container

Find out more about your baby at ten months.

11 months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

  • Says "dada" and "mama" to the right parent (is specific)
  • Plays pat-a-cake and peekaboo
  • Stands alone for a couple of seconds
  • Points at objects
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Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Imitates others' activities
  • Puts objects into a container
  • Understands simple instructions

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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  • Drinks from a cup
  • Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"
  • Stoops from standing position
  • Takes a few steps

Find out more about your baby at 11 months.

12 months

Achieved skills (most babies can do)

  • Imitates others' activities
  • Makes word-like sounds
  • Points, waves goodbye and claps
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Emerging skills (half of babies can do)

  • Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"
  • Takes a few steps or bum-shuffles
  • Understands and responds to simple instructions, such as "Come here"
  • Once shown, can put objects inside a container and take them out again

Advanced skills (a few babies can do)

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  • Scribbles with crayon
  • Walks well
  • Says two words besides "mama" and "dada"
  • Understands some words, such as "drink", "car" or "ball"

Find out more about your baby at 12 months.

Discover what your baby may be able to do from 13 to 18 months.

Go back to one to six months

Follow your baby's amazing development
Lynda Cranston
Lynda has been a health and medical writer for 20-plus years. She has extensive experience in re-framing and streamlining complex medical information so it is easily digestible and actionable for family physicians, patients, and consumers. 