From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Working with subassemblies

Working with subassemblies

- [Instructor] Subassemblies are assemblies of other assemblies. Now right here on my screen I've got a subassembly that's already been created. It's actually just called an assembly at this point. And what we're going to do is we're going to create an assembly of this assembly. So come up here under File. Come down here to Make Assembly of, or From Assembly. Click on that. It's automatically going to be selected over here 'cause I only have one thing open. Click on Okay. And now that subassembly shows up into my top level assembly. If you want to make a copy of this entire assembly, we can hold down Control and drag out another copy right over here. In fact, we can drag out as many copies as we'd like. If I grab it here, click on this one here, hold down Control, just drag out that assembly, there you have it. So now I have three of the individual subassembly. Now, if you twirl down any one of these, you can see…
