From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Making an exploded view

Making an exploded view

- [Trainer] Exploded Views are a wonderful way to show all the components inside of an assembly. Now right here on the screen, you can see I already have an Exploded View of this assembly and you can see if I spin it around, you can see all the different components in there. Now let me show you how I created this Exploded View. But before I do, I want to head over to the drawing, which I have opened up over here. I deleted out the Exploded View we had from some of our earlier videos and I want to place a new Exploded View over here. So here are the different views I have. Here's my full bowl of materials. And now we want to create that Exploded View here. Now I'm going to jump back over here to this Exploded View, and if you click on the Feature Manager right up at the top, if you go over to, you've come over here to Configuration Manager and below this configuration view, look at the twirl down, is that Exploded View. Now I…
