From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

Linking sketches to other parts - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

Linking sketches to other parts

- In-context modeling is one of the most powerful features, of Solid works. It allows it to tie 1 part and link it over to another part. So any modifications to the first part, automatically affects the second part and we can create robust structures and assemblies all from 1 driving part. Let's go ahead and dive in and learn about In-context modeling. Let's talk about In-context editing. Now, in this example I've got a base part right here and I've got a cover and what I'd like to happen, is that the cover will automatically adjust in size, based upon the size of the base. Now to do that, we need to do In-context editing. So we're going to be modifying a part, in the context of the assembly and then linking that dimension, to the size the base. To do that, what I need to do first, is take a look at this part, so I'm going to click on that part here and click on open and you can see here, we just have a simple revolve and if I twirl this down, I can take a look at the sketch and inside of that sketch, you can see we've got some dimensions here. Now this 3 inch dimension right here, is the 1 that is controlling the size of that cover. So we want to replace that dimension, with actually a link to that base part. But to do that, we need to actually modify this part, in the assembly. So exit back out of this and head back over here, to the assembly and let's go ahead and update it. And now we've got the assembly open. So click on the part itself and that is the part I will want to modify, right? So if I come up here instead of opening the part, I can actually come right over here and say edit part and notice what happens to our screen, notice over here that this icon, or actually that the word here becomes blue, showing that, that's what we're actually editing right now. And over here, the icon changes, so if we want to get out of this mode, we can go back to the assembly mode, but we want to stay in this mode, right? We're editing a part inside of an assembly and we know because we've already opened up this part and looked at it that that revolve has a sketch and inside of that sketch is that 3 inch dimension, right? So we want to get rid of that 3 inch dimension, hit delete. Then notice if I grab the outside edge here, I can pull it and make this bigger or smaller, right? That's what we want to control and we want this line right here, I'm going to go ahead and can hit control on my keyboard and I'm going to choose the outside edge of the base part. I'm going to say these guys are going to be collinear. So notice everything turns to black again, right? It's fully defined. And we got rid of that 3 inch dimension and instead we replaced it with a collinear relationship, Okay? Now let's go ahead and exit out of that and then exit back into the assembly. Now everything looks identical, right? Nothing changed, right? It's the same exact assembly, the parts look exactly the same. Well, that's because we haven't changed the base yet, right? So if I go back and I want to modify the base, I'm going to open it up and I'm going to go ahead and change the base, so I'm going to say inside the base, there's also a sketch and in this case, there's that 3 inch sketch. So I'm going to make that one, let's say 10, why not? Make it a lot bigger, so now there's our big old base and if I switch back over to my assembly, magically it should update. Let's see what happens. It says, "Models have changed, should we rebuild the assembly?" Yeah, let's do it. And just like that, we are able to make the new cover, so it automatically adjusts. So no matter what size the bottom is, the cover will automatically adjust in size, so it always fits, pretty handy, right? That's In-context modeling and all you need to do is edit a part within an assembly and then link together a dimension or create a relationship or create some type of dimension, that is related to that other apart.
