From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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External Threaded Stud Wizard

External Threaded Stud Wizard

- A great new tool is the stud wizard. And it's very similar to the hole wizard, but in this case it's going to create external stud features. So to get into this tool I'm going to go up here to insert, features, and come down here to stud wizard. And notice it's got a little question mark over here that will allow you to learn some new things about it. So click on the stud wizard and I have two different modes I can be in. One is I can choose a cylindrical edge or I can choose a face. So let's go ahead and do the first one. And I'm going to choose an edge. I'm going to choose this edge right here of this cylindrical boss that I already have. I can define what size thread I'd like. So notice I can choose ANSI inch for metric, or any other standards out there. And I can choose the style of threads. And I have the ability to select any size thread that happens to be smaller than this diameter. Right? I can't make a larger…
