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Creating general dimension notations

Creating general dimension notations - SOLIDWORKS 튜토리얼

클래스: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

Creating general dimension notations

- In this chapter, we're going to be learning about drawing dimensions. We'll cover the baseline dimensions, chain dimensions, ordinate dimensions, plus so much more. Let's go ahead and dive in. General dimensions can be added to your part or your drawing view inside of SolidWorks, pretty straightforward and easily, by clicking on the annotation toolbar and coming over here to smart dimension. Now directly below smart dimension here are a whole bunch of other ways we can add dimensions. But smart dimension generally picks the best dimension possible, instead of having to choose individual, like horizontal or vertical dimensions and so on, the smart dimension will do most of that for us. So go ahead and choose that one there. Now we have to choose which face of our part is our datum, which one is going to start all of our dimensions. So in this case here, I could choose either this face here, or this one over here.…
