From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Create and optimize content

Create and optimize content

- What if you went to a website that just had a product and a Buy Now button. How would you feel? Would you feel confident enough to buy that product? Or would you need a little bit more information? For the most basic product page you're going to need three pieces of information: a title, description, and image. Now, you can get by with the bare minimum but you can actually do a lot for your customers by providing additional information to remove their concerns, enhance the product, and alleviate support needs. One way to start creating content immediately is to work with influencers. Because the products I made were dirt cheap to produce, I sent out my product to 20 influencers and had them review the product. All of those reviews are up on YouTube. You can find them on board game review sites and I selected the best reviews to put on my homepage. And this cost me only a few hundred dollars for the prototypes and…
