From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with the AutoCAD web app

Working with the AutoCAD web app - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Working with the AutoCAD web app

- [Instructor] We've moved to a different location this time for this particular video, and you'll notice I'm in a web browser. And you can see there that I'm waiting to sign into the AutoCAD web app, known as AutoCAD on the web. Now, you'll notice, up at the top of the screen here, you can see the URL is really easy to remember. It's If you go to that, you'll go to the login page. Now, I need to sign in to my Autodesk account to gain access. So I jump in here like so, put my password in. Make sure I get the right password, always a good idea. And this is all using the same credentials that I use for my Autodesk account, for my subscription to AutoCAD. Now, what you'll find is AutoCAD on the web and AutoCAD mobile are part of your AutoCAD subscription. Even if you're using AutoCAD LT as well, the light version of AutoCAD. Now, I'm now in AutoCAD on the web. And as you can see, we've got "AutoCAD" over here.…
