From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Working with layer states

Working with layer states

- Once again, we're staying in our ground floor plan. Rev five.dwg. In the previous video I talked to you about some of the layer tools that were available in AutoCAD and I did mention that I was going to look into the layer states for you. Now, I've dedicated an entire video to this because it's a really clever little function in AutoCAD. Now layer states are basically different states of different settings for your layers. So you might have different colors, different line types for layers in different layer states to highlight objects in a drawing. Normally what you do is you utilize the layer states manager for this. So we've got the layers panel still pinned open from the previous video. Where it says unsaved layer state click on the down arrow and you want to go to manage layer states here, like so. And you'll notice that we haven't got any layer states at the moment in the last states manager. So what we're going to…
