From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Packaging with eTransmit

Packaging with eTransmit

- We're staying in our GF-1031 Southeast Madison Rev one dot DWG file and we're going to take a little look now at creating a different type of output. We're going to create what is called an E transmittal using the E transmit command available in AutoCAD. Now, what you do with an E transmittal is you set it all up and send it to somebody normally as an attachment via email. Now, the E transmit command normally requires you to save the drawing first, so type E, transmit (typing) like so, and you'll notice that the drawing hasn't been saved. In later versions of AutoCAD, you couldn't go any further. You had to save the drawing before you committed to the E transmit. Now, in later versions of AutoCAD, it says, do you want to save the current drawing before continuing. Say no, and it'll still allow you to create a transmittal. Now the transmittal will kick in with the files tree. You've also got the files table. I…
