From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Editing XREFs

Editing XREFs

- [Instructor] Editing your external reference files, your xrefs is actually really quick and easy in AutoCAD nowadays. So we're staying in the same view in our new officeproposal.DWG file. And I'm going to select the landscaping area external reference there like that. That'll bring up the external reference tab up on the ribbon. Now we've got two ways of editing our reference file. We can edit the reference in place, which I will cover in the next video, but we can also just open the reference. Now the landscaping area drawing is already open there, so if I click on open reference, it automatically takes me to that open drawing file. So landscapingarea.DWG is our xref file, which is part of our host drawing which is our new office proposal drawing. So what I could do here, for example, is make some changes to the landscaping area drawing. It's very similar to what we did in the previous video. So I'm just going to…
