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Defining your page setup

Defining your page setup

- Once again, we're staying in our Gf-1031 Southeast Madison dot DWG file. In the previous video, we set up a simple title block and I've left that displayed in the model tab on the screen at the moment. Now what we need to do is get that title block into this layout tab here. The ISO A1 landscape layout tab. Now this is just a sheet of paper right now and that little dashed line indicates the printer limits, so anything outside of that dashed line will not print. Has to be inside the dashed line. Let's jump back to the model tab. What I'm going to do is put my crosshair over here, top left, left click and release the mouse button, and drag a window selection all the way across the title block. Left click again, and you'll see that all the objects that make up the title block are selected. I'm going to right click now and go to clipboard and I'm going to use copy with base point and the base point I'm going to…
