From the course: Learning Wix

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Challenge: Create the footer and social bar

Challenge: Create the footer and social bar - Wix Tutorial

From the course: Learning Wix

Challenge: Create the footer and social bar

(exciting upbeat music) - [Instructor] Now that we have our first page mostly set up, there's one thing that's missing, and that's the footer on the page. This makes a great challenge for you, even though it's really early in the course, I am going to leave this to you to design. And I have some things that I'd like to see from it, so in your exercise files folder, you'll find a document that'll tell you exactly what I want you to do with this challenge. So in this challenge, you are going to set the background color of the footer to a darker color that you like. Add a gradient if you wish, or leave it as a flat color. In other words, no light gray with black text, I'm looking for any of the darker colors, you can use one of the ones from the color palettes that we set up earlier in the course, or you could pick something totally different, whatever you want. There's a disclaimer to add to the bottom, and this is the…
