De la cursul: Ecommerce Fundamentals
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De la cursul: Ecommerce Fundamentals
- Manufacturing is one of the most challenging models because it not only requires huge capital investment to buy thousands of units, but you also have to spend time and money developing a product from scratch. Having said that, it's one of the most defensible models, meaning it's really hard for someone to copy you. If you create the next trendy product, you'll be able to reap the rewards for a long time before someone can even come close to copying or imitating you. Let's talk about some of the benefits of manufacturing. One of the best things about manufacturing is that you can create just about anything. If you have a specific experience in mind, designing your own product and getting it manufactured might be the only way to bring that experience to life. Otherwise, you'll have to live with other people's choices. In all seriousness, having this flexibility means you control everything: the color, size, shape, packaging…
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How to choose an ecommerce model2 m22 s
Dropshipping5 m24 s
Reselling5 m36 s
White labeling and private labeling3 m9 s
Manufacturing4 m13 s
Digital3 m47 s
Handcraft products3 m46 s
Business model examples4 m58 s
Vertical2 m50 s