De la cursul: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Fixed positioning

Project: Fixed positioning

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project update, we'll use the position property to add a Download PDF button seen here in the final version of the project. This button can be used to link to a simplified copy of the resume without images or background colors, making it easy for potential employers to print. The button will be fixed to a specific spot on the page using position, so it will always be available for download as the user scrolls through the page. The first step is to add the link to the resume page. Let's switch over to the editor. Even though a fixed position to style can move an element anywhere on the page, I'm going to add the link to the top of the page in the resume.html file just after the opening body tag. Without positioning, this link will still display first, giving the user the option to download the PDF right away. Remember, we use HTML to structure the content and CSS to style it. To…
