Charter School Locator
Tools for locating California charter schools, including a map search and a searchable directory. Provides basic charter information, as well as directory information.State Numbered Charter Schools
Map of California Charter Schools
Locate a charter school by county and get a list of charters that reside in that county with detailed information about a particular school.
Locate a California Charter School
Locate a charter school by name. Included in the listing
is the charter number, school name, location (county, district,
address), phone and fax numbers, e-mail, Web site, grade levels
served, instruction type, curriculum focus, enrollment, API results
and school rankings, funding model, start and numbering date,
and business structure.
California Public Schools and Districts Data Files
Downloadable file links and definitions for each element including data on Charter Schools. To locate Charter Schools in the file sort by the field name "Charter".
Link to DataQuest to obtain information on a specific charter