Report content for legal reasons

Requesting content removals from Google products for legal reasons

We take inappropriate content seriously

If you see content on a Google product that you believe violates the law or your rights, let us know. We’ll review the material and consider blocking, limiting or removing access to it. Behaviours like phishing, violence or explicit content may also violate our product policies and qualify for removal from Google products. Before creating a request, try to flag the content in the relevant product. 

Create a request


Protect your information

We aim to provide you with the world’s strongest security and privacy tools. Security and privacy matter to us and we work hard to get them right.

Read our privacy policy to find out how Google uses information, and the ways in which you can protect yourself.

Our Safety Centre helps you and your family stay safe online. Visit to find out more and understand how Google helps to protect you, your computer and the Internet from cybercrime.

Transparency at our core

Transparency is a core value at Google. 

As part of our efforts to remain transparent, a copy of each legal notice that we receive may be sent to the Lumen project for publication. Lumen is an independent research project that's managed by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. The Lumen database houses millions of content takedown requests that have been voluntarily shared by various companies, including Google. Its purpose is to facilitate academic and industry research concerning the availability of online content. Lumen will redact the submitter's personal contact information (i.e. phone number, email and address).

You can view an example of a Lumen publication here.

We may also publish similar information from your notice to our Transparency Report, which provides data on the requests that we receive from copyright owners and governments to remove information from our products.

Understanding copyright

It is Google's policy to comply with notices of copyright infringement pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. To read more about our copyright policies and the requirements of a complete notice, visit our Copyright Help Centre.

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