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Our Campaigns

Our campaigns celebrate the transformative power of coaching and explore how #GreatCoaching can build happier and healthier communities

Duty to Care

The Duty to Care movement aims to help create a coaching culture where the safety, well-being and welfare of participants is at the heart of coaches’ practice. 

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UK Coaching Week

UK Coaching Week is the annual national awareness campaign which empowers athletes, coaches and the public to celebrate great coaching.

UK Coaching Week 2024 takes place April 29 - 5 May.

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UK Coaching Awards

The awards were created to recognise the remarkable contributions coaches make in providing high-quality coaching experiences, supporting people holistically on their journey through sport and physical activity, and promoting the physical and mental health of the nation.

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Play Their Way

Play Their Way is a grassroots coaching movement led by the Children’s Coaching Collaborative (CCC), aiming to kick-start a movement of child-first coaches, organisations and people changing the game from the ground up. UK Coaching are excited to be at the forefront of delivering the campaign on behalf of the 17 organisations that make up the CCC, which includes Sport England, Mind and UNICEF UK.

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Our #Born2Coach campaign aims to substantially increase the coaching workforce by sparking people’s motivation and drive to become a coach, and empower those who already coach to advance their skills.

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Women Who Coach: Toolkit

We want to encourage and inspire more women to get into coaching and improve career development opportunities for female coaches. Our digital guide will grow your confidence and your skill set.

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