Differences between a LinkedIn profile and a LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 1 month ago

LinkedIn Pages represent collective organizations, while LinkedIn profiles represent individuals.

Your LinkedIn profile is a professional landing page for you to manage your own, personal brand. You can find and connect with colleagues and classmates and display a general history of your professional experiences and achievements which a typical resume or CV may not reflect. 

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You can also upgrade your profile with a Premium subscription, which offers more features like Premium Career and LinkedIn Learning. 

LinkedIn profiles vs. LinkedIn Pages

LinkedIn Pages help members learn about their the organization’s business, brand, products and services, and job opportunities. You must have a LinkedIn profile to create a Page. You can then designate anyone affiliated with the organization as an Admin, including yourself. 

All LinkedIn profiles must comply with our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies which requires you to:

  • Use your real name 
  • Not use or attempt to use another's account  
  • Not create a member account for anyone other than yourself 
  • Not associate yourself on LinkedIn with a business or organization that you’re not professionally associated with

Switching from a LinkedIn profile to a LinkedIn Page

Keep in mind that you can't represent your organization with a LinkedIn profile since LinkedIn profiles must represent real people. If you attempt to represent your organization with a LinkedIn profile instead of a Page, LinkedIn may automatically log you out of your account. Repeat or prolonged violations of our profile policies may lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.

If you've mistakenly created a LinkedIn profile to represent your organization, we recommend that you update the profile name to your real name and create a new LinkedIn Page to represent your organization instead, before your LinkedIn profile becomes restricted. If you believe that your account has been incorrectly restricted, you can contact the support team for assistance.

Here are some ways to make it easier to build out a new LinkedIn Page to represent your organization: 

  • Once you’ve created a new LinkedIn Page, you can add your LinkedIn profile as an admin to the Page and invite your profile connections on the LinkedIn profile to follow your new Page. To do this, you’d simply click Invite connections in admin settings.
  • You can also download account data from your personal profile to easily include onto your Page. Review the types of data you can download by going to your Data Privacy settings. Different data types will become available within 10 minutes or 48 hours depending on the data you select. 

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