Congressional Briefing Moms In Crisis: How the Pandemic & Formula Shortage Fed the Maternal Mental Health Crisis

On June 8, 2022, several organizations, including 2020 Mom, were invited to join the Maternal Mental health Leadership Alliance (MMHLA) in sharing their work. Participants learned more about the pandemic-driven rise in maternal mental health conditions, the effects of the infant formula crisis on moms’ mental health, and federal approaches to improve maternal mental health through systemic change, prevention, intervention, and treatment at the national, state, and local levels. Here are Joy Burkhard’s remarks:

We are a 10+-year-old organization whose mission is to close gaps in maternal mental health care.

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What We’re Reading

Here are the articles and reports that I took note of in October. Most striking:

  • New research tying having a mental health disorder in pregnancy to higher hospital costs related to delivery

  • Diagnostic errors being a leading cause of preventable maternal death

  • Why the phrase, ‘pregnant women’ may make a come-back

  • A new national effort is underway to address Mental Health measurement

  • Hospitals that are acquired by larger systems are cutting maternity care a limiting mental health care

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What We’re Reading

Here are the articles that crossed my desk in September. Of note, one mental health revolutionary and his thoughts on how the tsunami of referrals really didn’t come, and that the lessons of the pandemic should be to look after young people, those who lose income and parents. Also of note, is new research pointing to the opportunity for organizations like 2020 Mom, to continue drafting and advocating for state laws requiring universal screening for maternal mental health disorders as a means for reducing underuse of counseling services, particularly women of color. Read on to see all that caught my attention.

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