


Highlights this week

Your caregiver will offer you a glucose tolerance test (GTT) between now and 28 weeks of pregnancy to check if you've got gestational diabetes.

Find out if it's safe to have a hot bath.

Baby development at 24 weeks

Your baby's growing steadily. Their body is filling out and taking up more room in your uterus (womb) but their skin is still thin and fragile.

For all you know, your baby may also be developing a weakness for sweets! Their tastebuds are forming, and, believe it or not, acquiring a sweet tooth is all part of it. The other big milestone your baby reaches is that they may now survive, with specialist care, if they are born prematurely.

baby raising eyebrows
Your baby at 24 weeks
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Your baby is as long as an ear of corn

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head to toe
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Pregnancy symptoms at 24 weeks

You may notice faint red streaks, or stretch marks on your tummy, hips, bottom and breasts. Rubbing on creams can make you feel more comfortable and help soothe any itching you may feel but it won't get rid of stretch marks or prevent them. Stretch marks are typical at this stage of pregnancy and will fade to faint marks after you give birth.

See other BabyCenter mums' baby bumps at 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

You may also find that your eyes are more sensitive to light, and feel gritty and dry. This is a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom known as dry-eye syndrome. If your dry eyes are bothering you, see your GP or an optometrist. They can check that your eyes are healthy and that there is no scarring or infection in them. Dry eyes can be treated with artificial tears or ointments, but check with your doctor what's best to use. Treatments that you can buy over the counter may not be suitable for you while you're pregnant.
baby in belly at 24 weeks
Your body at 24 weeks
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How your life's changing

Your second trimester is a good time to think through your birth choices. Wherever you decide to give birth, choose a birth partner you can trust to support you through labour and birth.

Your birth partner doesn't necessarily have to be your partner in life, but most parents-to-be want to be actively involved in their baby's birth. You could also consider making a doula part of your birth team.

Having someone to encourage you, remind you of ways to cope and to help you make decisions when you're in labour, can make your birth experience much more positive.

These are all good reasons to have a birth partner with you. Ideally, your birth partner will be prepared to learn about childbirth, and be ready to drop everything when you need them. That's why it's so important to plan ahead.

What you need to know

Pregnancy tip: stay positive

"When I'm going through those things that are annoying or downright unpleasant about being pregnant, I remind myself that it is such a short time in my life on such an amazing journey."
Danielle Townsend is a content and communications specialist. She was an editor at BabyCenter for over a decade.
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