
How often should I breastfeed my baby?

In the early weeks, your baby will wake and breastfeed frequently, day and night. You'll probably find that your baby breastfeeds at uneven intervals, as your baby's appetite will vary as much as yours does.

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After the first few days, most young babies feed at least eight times a day, sometimes more. So your baby could be asking for a feed as often as every 90 minutes to three or four hours.

If you're breastfeeding this often, your baby will be building up your supply, as the more she feeds, the more milk you will produce. Make sure that she's latched on well. Otherwise, she may be nipple-feeding, rather than breastfeeding, which can be painful for you, and unsatisfying for her.

Your baby needs to take a good mouthful of your breast to be able to work your milk down. Your milk gets creamier and thicker the longer she feeds, and it will be hard for her to move it down if she isn't latched on properly. You postpartum nurse, midwife, or a lactation consultant can help if you're not sure about your positioning.

You may notice that she seems to want to feed more often, or for longer, at night. This is normal, as your body produces more prolactin, the hormone that makes milk, at night. So by feeding often at night, your baby stimulates your body to make more milk.

Your baby will have growth spurts from time to time, and be hungrier because of this. She may want to feed more frequently, or for longer periods, or both. Offer your breast as frequently as she wants to feed, and for as long as she needs it. That way, your milk supply changes to suit her requirements. Your supply should go up within a day or two.

Your baby needs to be able to regulate the length of her feeds and her own appetite. So let her finish on one breast before starting the next. She'll then get the first, thirst-quenching milk as well as the creamier, thicker milk that comes through at the end of a feed. Sometimes she may opt for short or long feeds, depending on how hungry she is.

A newborn baby's stomach is tiny. She is only physically able to accommodate small amounts of milk. Breast milk is very easily digested and absorbed into her system.

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It's also normal for your breasts to produce different volumes of milk. So, for example, your baby may always seem slightly more satisfied after feeding from your right breast, because it produces more milk. Your baby will still benefit from feeding from the less productive breast, and can top up with milk from your other breast, if she needs it.

Over the next few weeks, a pattern of feeding may emerge. This may take a while to establish, though, so try not to be discouraged.

Babies tend to go longer between feeds when they become more practised and expert at feeding, and when they start to take more of an interest in their surroundings. Even when your baby starts solids, breast milk is still an important food source. But your baby may choose to cut down naturally after six months, and even be happy with just two to three breastfeeds a day.

Demand feeding is simple, as you don't have to think about when or how long to feed. By breastfeeding your baby whenever she requests it, and letting her feed for as long as she wants to, she'll get all the milk she needs.

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Holly Bennett
Holly Bennett is a writer and editor who worked as an assistant editor for BabyCentre. She worked on a range of topics including fertility, pregnancy health and nutrition.