


Highlights this week

Your baby's heart is tiny but now fully developed.

Wondering why you're feeling dizzy?

Constantly salivating? It's just yet another one of pregnancy's weird and wonderful side effects!

Baby development at 10 weeks

Your baby will more than double in size in the next three weeks. They are now swallowing and kicking, and all the major organs are fully developed. More tiny details are appearing too, like fingernails and peach-fuzz hair. The external sex organs are beginning to show and in a few weeks they will be developed enough to show whether you're having a boy or a girl. Read more on your baby's development this week

baby with eyelids now covering eyes
Your baby at 10 weeks
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Your baby is the size of a kumquat

Kumquats illustration
head to bottom
medical chart icon

Pregnancy symptoms at 10 weeks

You're nearing the end of the first three months of pregnancy - your first trimester - and your uterus (womb) is about the size of a grapefruit, almost big enough to fill your pelvis (see our fetal development illustrations). You may be able to feel your uterus above the middle of your pubic bone. Though you probably won't need to go up a clothes size for a few weeks yet, you may see your waist thickening.

If you want to cut down on caffeine, you could swap to herbal teas. Make sure that the ones you choose are safe to drink in pregnancy. You may like lemon and honey steeped in hot water. Try to drink eight glasses of fluids every day (tea, coffee and pop don’t count) but limit your intake before bedtime so you won't have to get up to pee so much in the night.

If your sleep's broken for other reasons then you may want to take medication but it's not a good idea during pregnancy. If you want to, speak to your doctor, but maybe try our self-help tips for insomnia first, and avoid exercising just before bed. Strange dreams are common in pregnancy and could lead to disturbed sleep.
baby in womb at 10 weeks
Your body at 10 weeks
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Pregnancy Tip

"For me, morning sickness came every evening around dinner time. I couldn't eat anything, but I was starving (and irritable). Things improved after I changed my routine, eating a big meal in the morning and something light for supper." -- Susan E.

Other hot topics this week

Read up on hair treatments and using a sunbed while pregnant.

Is it safe to use a seat belt during pregnancy, and what about cars with air bags?

Pregnant after a previous caesarean? Will you opt for another C-section?

Remind yourself why it’s great to be expecting even if you're still feeling sick, tired or headachy.

Why pregnancy can make your mouth water.

BabyCenter’s talented team of editors and writers has decades of experience creating inspiring content.

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