
Skin changes during pregnancy

Pregnant woman looking in mirror
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Your body goes through so many changes during pregnancy, including your skin. From stretch marks and spots, to sensitive, itchy skin, many people experience some sort of change to their skin during pregnancy. Some of these changes are harmless, while others may cause irritation and discomfort. Read on to discover what skin changes you can expect and when you should speak to your doctor or midwife.

What skin changes occur in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you may develop:

  • stretch marks
  • changes in skin colour (pigmentation), including darkening of facial skin, breasts, nipples, inner thighs and neck
  • darkening of moles, freckles and birthmarks
  • spots or acne
  • spider veins
  • varicose veins
  • skin tags
  • darkened or red palms
  • sensitive skin
  • itchy skin (NHS 2021a, Pomeranz 2022)
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Why does my skin change in pregnancy?

Changes to your hormones, your circulation, immune system and the increased weight of your growing bump all affect your skin’s appearance and sensitivity. It’ll mostly get back to normal after you’ve had your baby (MedlinePlus 2022, Murray and Hassall 2014, Pomeranz 2022a, Vaughan Jones et al 2014), though some skin changes, such as stretch marks, will fade, rather than disappear altogether.

Genetics also play a role in whether you get stretch marks and pigmentation changes (Pomeranz 2022a, Tyler 2015). So, if your mom or sister had them during their pregnancies, you may be more likely to develop them too.

Can skin changes in pregnancy be harmful?

The usual skin changes that happen during pregnancy aren’t harmful to you or your baby (Pomeranz 2018a, Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

Sometimes, though, skin problems could signal an underlying condition that may need checking out by a doctor. It’s important to remember that these conditions are rare.

Intrahepatic cholestasis

Itching is common during pregnancy. But a small number of women experience severe itching, which is a symptom of a liver condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), also known as obstetric cholestasis (OC) (NHS 2023).

The condition causes a build-up of bile acids in your body. Although the itching can start at any time during pregnancy, it usually starts in the third trimester (RCOG 2022).

There’s no rash with the condition, and you may find the itching is more noticeable on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet, and it may be worse at night. It usually gets better soon after birth (RCOG 2022).

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, speak to your doctor or midwife, so they can carry out some blood tests to check your liver function (NHS 2023).

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Your doctor can prescribe creams or medication to give you relief from the itching (RCOG 2022).

Pemphigoid gestationis

Pemphigoid gestationis (PG) is a rare condition that causes an itchy rash, which develops into blisters during pregnancy (BAD 2020, Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

This happens when your body has an immune response, possibly triggered by traces of placenta tissues entering your bloodstream. It tends to happen in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (BAD 2020).

If you experience an itchy rash during pregnancy, it’s important to get checked out by your doctor or midwife. There are creams and ointments available to reduce itching and soothe sore areas (BAD 2020).

Some changes in skin colour can be caused by other conditions, which are nothing to do with pregnancy. Remember, always speak to a doctor if you notice any changes in the colour, size, shape or thickness of a mole or birthmark.

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Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP)

If you have small, raised, red and itchy areas on your stretch marks, you may have polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP). This used to be known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) and lots of people refer to PEP as a PUPPS rash or a PUPPS pregnancy rash.

It usually develops during the third trimester, especially in the last few weeks, but can also happen just after you've given birth (BAD 2021).

The itching usually starts in your stretch marks, or on your stomach. It can also spread to other areas, such as under your breasts, back and arms (BAD 2021).

There are some things you can do yourself to soothe the itching. Try having cool baths with an emollient added to the water and use emollient creams and ointments afterwards. Wearing loose clothes may also help to calm any irritation (BAD 2021).

However, if the itching and redness is really bothering you, see your doctor. Your doctor will be able to confirm whether your itching is caused by PEP or something else.

Why is pregnancy giving me stretch marks?

Most women develop stretch marks in pregnancy (Brennan et al 2020). They can be pink, red, purple or brown, depending on your skin colour (NHS 2022).

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They usually happen whenever your skin is stretched. You may notice stretch marks on your breasts, belly and thighs as your baby grows bigger and you put on weight (Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015).

Hormonal changes in pregnancy can affect your skin and make you more likely to get stretch marks (NHS 2022).

There are moisturising creams, lotions and ointments you can try to prevent stretch marks, but there's no real evidence that they work (NHS 2022, Pomeranz 2022).

If your stretch marks become itchy and red, especially in your third trimester, you may have polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP). It usually develops in the third trimester, but can also happen immediately after the birth. It's a harmless pregnancy side-effect, but it can be irritating. Read more about PEP (BAD 2020, NICE 2020).

After your baby's born, your stretch marks should fade slowly and become paler than your usual skin tone (NHS 2022). It can take up to one or two years for this to happen (Pomeranz 2022). Although it’s not always easy, try to see your stretch marks as a positive. After all, you’re growing a baby!

Why is my skin darker now I'm pregnant?

It’s common for your skin to darken in pregnancy, either in irregular patches or all over. You may notice the following:

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  • You have darker patches of colour (pigmentation) on your face. This is known as melasma or mask of pregnancy. Melasma may be triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy, which stimulate a temporary increase in the amount of melanin your body produces. Melanin is the natural substance that gives colour to hair, skin, and eyes. Up to three quarters of moms-to-be are thought to experience this in pregnancy.
  • Your nipples and the surrounding skin (areolas), genitals, inner thighs or neck go darker.
  • Your moles, freckles, birthmarks or recent scars may darken.
  • If you have brown or black skin, the area around your belly button may darken, as well as your armpits and inner thighs. These areas will lighten again with time, after the birth, although some areas may stay slightly darker than they were before (BAD 2018, NHS 2021a, Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015).

Being in the sun may darken your patches, making them more noticeable (BAD 2018, Tyler 2015). To protect your skin, use a sunblock with sun protection of SPF50 or more, wear a wide-brimmed hat outside and try to keep to the shade as much as possible (BAD 2018, Pomeranz 2022).

It’s understandable if you feel self-conscious about your patches, but they're likely to fade within about a year of your baby’s birth (Pomeranz 2022). In the meantime, tinted moisturiser, foundation and concealer can all help to even out your skin tone (BAD 2018).

One mom in 10 finds that their dark patches stay after their baby’s born (Tyler 2015). If this is the case, your doctor can recommend a treatment that you apply to your skin (BAD 2018, Pomeranz 2022).

What’s this dark line running up my bump?

The vertical line that appears down the middle of your belly is called a linea nigra. This pregnancy line usually runs from the top of your pubic bone to the middle of your belly, but it sometimes crosses your belly button to just below your breastbone (Pomeranz 2022).

For most people, the linea nigra tends to appear around the second trimester (Vora et al 2014). It’s a natural part of pregnancy, although not everybody gets this line. So, don't worry if you don't have one.

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Although the linea nigra appears over your abdominal muscles, which stretch and open a little as your baby grows, it's not caused by this gap. It's caused by pigmentation of the skin due to hormone changes (Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015).

This line usually fades a few months after you’ve given birth (Vora R et al. 2014).

Does "pregnancy glow" really exist?

The radiant, slightly flushed pregnancy glow that makes you look so well during pregnancy is due to various changes in your body. It's a result of changing hormone levels, an increase in sebum (oil) production and an increase in blood flow circulating around your body (Motosko et al 2017).

The downside of this effect is that when your body holds on to moisture it may make your ankles and legs swell (NHS 2021b). Also, blood flow to your skin may make any patches on your face, neck or chest more visible. These will calm down within a few months of giving birth.

Try to drink plenty of water because this can actually help your body get rid of excess water (NHS 2021b). Your skin will also benefit if you keep well hydrated (Palma et al 2015).

Why do I have red veins on my cheeks?

During pregnancy, you’re at greater risk of developing spider veins, which are tiny broken blood vessels (capillaries). These harmless veins are common in pregnancy, particularly in the first and second trimester (Pomeranz 2022).

They are due to extra blood circulating in your body, which puts pressure on your blood vessels, and higher levels of the hormone estrogen. You’re most likely to notice them in your face, throat, neck and arms (Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015).

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The good news is that spider veins will fade within a few months of giving birth (Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015), once your hormone levels have settled down.

If you have black or brown skin you may notice dark patches on the palms of your hands (T Hazell, personal communication, February 2023), which can look red on white skin. This is called palmar erythema. An increase in the hormone estrogen along with increased blood volume (which causes more blood to flow to your palms) are the likely culprits (ACOG 2022). Like spider veins, it's harmless and will fade after you've had your baby (Tyler 2015).

Why is pregnancy giving me pimples?

You may have thought that you'd put the years of raging hormones behind you, but pregnancy can bring the unwelcome return of breakouts (Bechstein and Ochsendorf 2017).


The raised levels of hormones during pregnancy encourage the production of sebum, which keeps your skin supple (Pomeranz 2022). Too much sebum causes pores to become blocked, resulting in greasy skin and pimples (NHS 2019).

The glands that make sebum, known as sebaceous glands, are most active in late pregnancy (Pomeranz 2022). If you had acne before getting pregnant, you may find that it calms down in the first trimester, but flares up again in the third trimester (Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

Montgomery tubercles

You may also notice that the little bumps around the dark area of your nipple become more raised. Known as Montgomery tubercles, these bumps produce fluid to moisturise your nipple and protect the skin.

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Montgomery tubercles are quite normal and nothing to worry about. In fact, up to half of pregnant women experience these, and the bumps will go down after you’ve had your baby (Panicker et al 2017, Pomeranz 2022, Tyler 2015).


Rosacea is a common skin condition that can get worse during pregnancy (Vaughan Jones et al 2014). Rosacea can cause facial flushing, particularly across your cheeks, nose and chin (NICE 2023). On white skin, rosacea can cause persistent redness of the skin. On black and brown skin, signs of rosacea include your face feeling warm all the time and a burning or stinging in your face (Black Skin Directory nd).

Although the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, possible triggers include hot or cold weather, sunlight, stress, exercise and spicy food (NICE 2023).

If you are experiencing rosacea during pregnancy, speak to your doctor. They can recommend a treatment that’s safe for you to take in pregnancy (NICE 2023).

How can I look after my skin in pregnancy?

To protect your skin during pregnancy:

  • Don't over-cleanse, as this may dry your skin. Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap, or use a fragrance-free cleanser for make-up. This will be enough to keep your skin clean and fresh.
  • Choose water-based, rather than oil-based products, that won’t block your pores. Look for products that are labelled noncomedogenic or pH-balanced.
  • Resist the temptation to pick or squeeze your spots, to protect your skin from scarring.
  • Don’t use acne creams or treatments unless your GP advises you to. Some acne treatments aren't suitable for pregnancy, because they could harm your unborn baby.
  • Maintain a healthy diet (DermNet NZ 2014).
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After your baby's birth, you’ll probably find that your skin returns to its pre-pregnancy condition because your hormone and sebum levels return to normal (Bagatin et al 2019).

Why is my skin more sensitive than normal in pregnancy?

Elevated hormone levels, more blood flowing to your skin, and the fact that your skin has become stretched and delicate, can make it feel sensitive. Soaps, detergents and skincare products that you’ve used for months, or even years, may suddenly cause your skin to flare up.

Skin conditions that you had before you became pregnant may improve or worsen because of changes to how your immune system works (Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

If you have psoriasis, you may find that it improves (Lin and Huang 2016). This may be due to estrogen suppressing the immune cells response during pregnancy (Lin and Huang 2016, Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

However, some women find that their psoriasis gets much worse during this time and needs more intensive treatment (Lin and Huang 2016, Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

Other types of immune cells increase during pregnancy. So conditions that are caused by these cells, such as eczema or lupus, can get worse (Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

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You may find that your skin burns more easily during pregnancy (NHS 2021a). Always use a sunblock (SPF50 or higher), and try to keep out of direct sunlight as much as possible (NHS 2021a).

It's also normal to be more sensitive to substances that didn't affect you before pregnancy, such as the chlorine in swimming pools. Dabbing moisturiser or lotion on to itchy areas, or using a bath emollient, should help to protect your skin (Vaughan Jones et al 2014).

See your midwife or doctor if you have any concerns about a skin condition.

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ACOG. 2022. Skin conditions during pregnancy The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. www.acog.orgOpens a new window [Accessed January 2023]

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Karen Gordon
Karen Gordon is a freelance writer and editor who creates health, parenting and lifestyle content for evidence-based websites, including Flo Health, Patient, Healthily, Live Science and Livi.