Nature's Way Montessori

Tuition & Fees

Investing in education now lays the foundation for developing a love of learning for life.

Why choose Montessori?

At Nature's Way Montessori, your child will experience all of the benefits of an authentic Montessori education.

Our guides are Montessori-trained professionals.

They’ve completed rigorous training in child development and understand how children learn. They love what they do and continue to learn through professional development.

The Montessori classroom environment is rich with materials uniquely designed for children.

Based on years of scientific research, the Montessori classroom is an inviting space rich with materials and furniture uniquely designed for children. From the sinks to the toilets to the tables, all are made to fit your child perfectly, supporting your child’s developing independence and confidence.

Children learn by doing.

Children are exposed to hundreds of specially designed materials that invite hands-on exploration. They will choose what they want to explore, creating strong neural pathways that contribute to the construction of a strong brain.

The curriculum adapts to your child.

We recognize that children have their own unique timetable for development and will learn different parts of the curriculum when they are ready. We teach to the individual needs of your child, not to the entire class or to a group of children.

We support parents too!

We take seriously the notion that children thrive when home and school work in harmony. To that end, we offer parent education throughout the year.

Tuition Information

Programs Information
Infant Program 12 weeks -18 months 800-500 $2335 per month | 800-300 $2100 per month
Toddler Program 12 weeks -18 months 800-500 $2184 per month | 800-300 $2000 per month
Primary/Preschool 36 months - Kinder 830-500 $2055 | 830-300 $1815 | 830-100 $1625
Tuition Schedule Our tuition is an annual tuition with 12 equal payments.
Discount For Full Payment Families who choose to pay the full tuition before the start of the school year may reduce the annual tuition by 3%. This reduction is applied after the contract is submitted. No combination of discounts shall exceed 6%.
Sibling Discount When two children from the same family are enrolled for the same school year, the lower of the two tuition fees will be reduced by 5%. If there is a third child in the same school year from the same family, the two lower tuition fees will be reduced by 5%. These reductions are applied when the contract is submitted. No combination of discounts shall exceed 6%.
Early Drop Off There is a $60 fee for children dropped off before 8:00

Parent Reviews

We love Nature'e Way. When children’s education comes up in conversation with our friends, we find ourselves raving about the quality and environment of Nature's Way. The quality of the staff, classrooms, and facility all contribute to an excellent environment for our son to thrive in.


                                                                                                           The Cole Family

We left Nature's Way Montessori school for one reason and one reason only … because of the distance from our home. Every day, I’d drive past our local school. It is a beautiful old building, full of charm. Every day, I would wonder, what if? What if the school is as good as ours? After many hours of discussion, a tour of the school with our children and a lengthy pro and con list, we decided to give it a try. Then, as I left my older two children at their classroom doors, it didn’t feel right. Where was the kindness and courtesy we were accustomed to? …. There was no sense of community. We made it 3 days. We now make the commute, 40 minutes one way, each and every day. Happily. Now we know. Nature's Way is the right choice for us. It holds the values that we instill in our children each and every day in our own home. The teachers and staff are an extended family. They teach our children to love learning, to be creative, to think for themselves. Together, we are raising kind, thoughtful, and intelligent children who will succeed in life because they are in a loving and supportive community. Finding a community that you feel you belong to helps everything else in life fall into place. Without it, I think one feels idle, lost, and vulnerable.

                                                                                                          The Thomas'

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